A Fatal Mistake

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Daigo's P. O. V.

After Nana's encounter with the leader of this certain group of villains, we set out to find them once again. Only this time, with my help, we weren't going to let them get away.

Although I began to notice something up in the air. Some guy with a top hat and a trench coat was running from...

"It can't be!!!" Nana exclaimed. "That's Shoji, Midoriya, and Todoroki!!"

The more I noticed, the more alert I became. Instantly, I grabbed Nana, put her on my back, and zoomed straight to where the boys were heading.

Soon, we made it where we literally see the guys crash land on the villain. Nana and I decided to hide behind the bushes until the right time to interfere.

"Give Kacchan and Tokoyami back!!!" The green-haired boy yelled. I stood there in utter disbelief. At the same time furious because I told Izu to go straight to the camp with Kota.

"Compress, get out of the way." Judging by the blue flames, that's Dabi alright. He was about to attack.

"Now's the time!!" Nana said as jumped out of the bushes and into the scene. One quick swipe and Dabi let a huge attack of fire on the three.

But not successfully.

I struck in awe at how strong the girl was as she blocked the flames with a simple palm strike. Although it sent her back just a little.

"What? You thought you could get from me so easily?" She said.

"Wait. These are faces from Shigaraki's hit list. Well, except for the girl." That has to be Twice. He was about to spring into action and that was my time to intervene.

"She'll be on mine in a second." Dabi charged at her.

Twice was aiming for Shouto but I came right on time with another invention of mine, the Ki Staff.

"Surprise!!!" I yelled out blocking the Deadpool doppelganger. "So, you're Twice. Nice to meet you. Alas, too bad I have to knock you down a peg."

"Sure! As if!"

Twice bought out this weird measuring tape from his wrist and used it against me; still, it was no match for my staff. With the help of my Eye and Ki, I had the ability to shoot him a couple of times. Yes, shoot him with the staff.

As we were having our wonderful affair, I caught a few glances of Nana saving Midoriya and Shoji from a crazy looking schoolgirl and she seemed a little pissed.

I made one mistake and let my guard, but luckily my brother had my back as he made an ice wall.

"Thanks, Shouto." I gave him a fist bump. He nodded.

I had to admit. Twice had some skill. Somehow, he managed to cut through the ice while we weren't looking.

Though I wasn't looking, it didn't mean I had my guard down this time.

You won't miss. I thought to myself.

Twice jumped and aimed to attack me. I was waiting for the right time to counter. And finally, it came.

"Here!!" I launched Twice into the air with my staff fully charged with Ki.

Not done yet.

I then pole vaulted up in the air to meet him. Finishing him off, I whacked him sideways in the head and slammed him down with an overhead swing. Twice was unconscious for the time being.

"Huh, where did I put...?" Mr. Compress looked in his pocket, having nothing to be found.

"Midoriya, Todoroki, Takeda, Nakamura, we're running away!" Shoji yelled. He then revealed these two marbles to be Katsuki and Tokoyami.

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