Prove Them Wrong

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It's nothing more than a sensible conclusion on another person. Yes, one may be used to it but to a certain degree. Sooner or later, they'll reach their breaking point.

I guess you can say that one was me.

To have someone that doesn't know me, place that over my head, it's a hard pill to swallow. And I am not taking it.

I thought I was over it.


I guess not.

Kazuya's P. O. V.

Man, that hurt. Thank God it didn't hurt me that bad or I wouldn't be able to keep going. After resting for a bit, I cautiously stand up making sure that my ankle could still function. I turned my head and there Nakamura is skating as fast he can directly at me.

I smirked and noticed that he took advantage and got rid of the "kid". Looks like someone wants to come back for more, eh?

I had a feeling that he would charge with a full-on charge attack, so I positioned myself to counter. I was ready and set; however, that slowly ceased the moment I saw his face. He came at me full force as I thought but what happened next caught me by surprise.

Daigo skated towards me with the ugliest scowl I have ever seen in my life. At the supposed right time, I swung my sword... but he somehow got me by dashing in a blur, literally straight through me. I turned around and there he took advantage. He hit me a rather new move I have seen from him, a pinwheel kick. Afterward, I guess he wanted to return the favor of what I did to him.

He didn't give any room to recuperate. Kick after kick, you name it he did. Roundhouse, high, low, missile kicks, machine gun kicks, so on and so forth. I then began to notice that something was really wrong with him. Over the time 1-A has trained for this exam, the qurikless boy has tried to focus on fighting and defending with a sound and calm mind. This most certainly wasn't it. He was way more aggressive as if he really wanted to injure me.

I knew that I was acting as the villain and all, but I just had to say something about this.

"Dude, what is wrong with you?! Slow down!!" I yelled as I continuously dodged his every move. "Keep this up and you'll be out of energy kid!!"

"It won't matter!!!" Daigo yelled back. You could actually see tears pushing to come out. "I will win this!! I will prove them wrong!! Every last one of them!!!"

What was he talking about? Did something happen that I need to know about for the sake of his grade?


I have to harden my heart and keep my hero instincts inside for right now. I must stay in my role. But once this was over, I will make sure to see what is going on.

Daigo's P. O. V.

As I continued the assault, not giving Kazuya any space to breathe, I kept telling myself to prove them wrong; over and over and over again. That was the only thing to help keep me going and nothing else. Although, the mean streak had to come to a fair halt.

Kazuya seemed a bit fed up and countered my next kick. Leaving me shocked, he threw a buster sword at me, then speed warped and slashed me with a different sword. I flew across the ground with a great amount of distance.

That was really dumb on my end. I guess trying to play the speed card with a Pro-Am was a terrible idea. And in spite of that, there was still more to come.

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