Dive Into Gravity

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It was finally finished. I know that I'll get into U.A. with this for sure. I made special zero-gravity skates, the Rider Xs. Its main asset, of course, is speed. So fast, that it could even be a quirk.

It took many sleepless nights and countless tests, but it was worth it

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It took many sleepless nights and countless tests, but it was worth it. At least I wasn't like Midoriya. He always slept in class, muttered to himself, and had some grip tool. I can tell that he was nervous. For crying out loud, he's taking the practical exam for the hero track.

The morning of the exam, I even saw him at the beach on a pile of trash, yelling.

On the day of the audition, I was excited. But, at the same time, nervous. If I don't make it in my plan won't work. And, I'll be damned before I go to a busted up high school.

I stood at the entrance of that prestigious school in complete awe.

Before I stepped in, I got a text from Shouto.

Best Friend ❄🔥: Good Luck on your audition. I'm sure that we'll be going to the same school now.

Me: Thanks 😆😆 Talk about an epic way to get in together. One from a recommendation and the other from a bomb audition. 》

"Daigo, wait up!!" I turned to see Midoriya. I'm glad he was here. It's always great to see a familiar face. Plus, his reaction was the same as mine.

He was running towards me until he tripped. You can tell that he was waiting for the impact to hit his face, but I saw a young, cute brunette save him with what must be zero gravity.

After their small conversation, I could see Midoriya's face was red as a tomato. I laughed at him. He was a blushing mess.

"Hey Izu. Ready for the exam?"

"Yeah... No... I don't know!!" Midoriya began to panic. I simply put my hand on his shoulder and he loosened up. He took a deep breath and smiled again.

That is until we turned to see that reckless bomb head, Bakugou.

"Good Luck, Bakugou." I tried to be nice, but that didn't make anything better.

"Move it before I set you on fire." He said. I didn't move one inch. I stared deep into those crimson eyes, his soul perhaps, letting him know that I was not intimidated. Midoriya, on the other hand, moved out of the way. Bakugou went through that gap between us.

I sighed but smiled to myself again. "I'll see you later. You'll make it in, I know it. Wish me luck, Izu!"

"You don't need it!" He waved and we parted ways.


Before I knew it, I was in this huge multi-purpose room. There were a lot of people with amazing inventions. From VRs to actual Hoverboards. From jet packs to strength enforcers. Some even had these devices called gears, a hoverboard that can change into hoverbikes and a unique flying device.

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