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I'VE NEVER BONDED WITH SOMEONE AS QUICKLY AS I HAVE WITH KEVIN. It's strange to even think about how friendly we became.  And especially how quickly I opened up to him.  It seems like he understands me so well, which is a new experience for me.  I'm not used to people becoming so accepting of my condition, especially respecting my boundaries.  Many people have a hard time realizing that when someone says, "I don't like hugs," they don't mean, "I want you to keep trying to hug me until I have no choice but to let you."  But Kevin understands.  I love that about him.  

I'm sitting on my floor right now, reviewing a Do Plants Feel Pain? article my professor wrote a few years ago.  I can't seem to focus.  My mind keeps thinking about Kevin and how much I like him.  The more I think about it though, the more I realize that I really don't know much about him. I know that he's a psychology major and that he likes drinking. He's a hard worker when he wants to be and very smart, but he usually hates going to his classes. I believe Kevin told me before that he wants to be a therapist. Other than that... I don't know much about the important things, like how many siblings he has, what his parents do, where he went to school. Lord, I do not even know his favorite color! What kind of boyfriend am I?

A buzz from my bed shakes me from my thoughts, followed by the song Forrest Gump by Frank Ocean. I smile and crawl onto my bed.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey, Edd," Kevin says from the other line. His silky voice rings in my ears.

"How is your day?"

He huffs. "Boring. It's noon and nobody's here. My boss needs to work on advertising honestly."

"That's a shame, Kevin. What do you usually do to pass the time?"

"Talk to you," he laughs. I chuckle, a blush rising onto my cheeks.

"Well," I pause thoughtfully, "I have some errands to run today... how about I stop by with lunch?"

Kevin hums from the deepest part of his throat, making me choke on my breath. "Please," he says.

I nod, then after realizing he can't see me, say, "S-Sure. I'll see you soon?"

"I wish you would," Kevin answers. I wait for him to hang up first, but he doesn't. After a few seconds, I ask, "Um, was there something else?"

"No," he chuckles. "See you soon, Edd."

"Goodbye," I smile. I wait for the time on the phone to reach three minutes and twenty seconds even before I hang up.

I enter the door of the antique store slowly, taking in the particular smell old things tend to have when grouped together in a small place. The store is open, though, and deeper than it is wide. When I spot Kevin standing straight ahead behind a glass case that's full of ancient novelties. He looks over at me, bearing his usual charming smile.

"Eddward Vincent, I am starving," he groans as I approach. "Please tell me you brought me something good."

With a small smile, I place a white paper bag on the counter and take out my plastic container and Kevin's tinfoil cylinder. He gasps.

"A Chipotle burrito for you," I say. "Steak with extra avocado and their specialty barbeque hot sauce."

Kevin leans over the counter, one hand on the glass and his other on the burrito in my hand, and kisses my cheek quickly. "You're the best, I don't care what anyone else thinks."

I laugh at his statement as I open my burrito bowl. "Thank you, Kevin."

He unwraps his burrito quickly, lathering his first bite with barbeque sauce. I watch him bite into it, amused. Eating with the person you fancy invokes the most genuine feelings in me; every meal is more enjoyable than the last. Kevin nods after his first bite, humming his pleasure with a deep, guttural groan. "Fuck these are some bomb burritos."

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