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Subject: hm. Interesting

I really like this place. it's clean and really really different from everywhere else i've lived.

I'm trying to remember how exactly I got to this point. Mostly with edd. But also  I don't understand a lot. 

Isabel told me yesterday she wanted to stop seeing me.  like, not even as friends.  I feel bad.

Last edited 20 minutes ago.


I SIP MY TEA SLOWLY. The door of the cafe opens and I watch as Kevin looks around for me. When I think his head is about to turn toward me, I look down at my phone. Amongst the quiet murmuring around me, Kevin's deep, silky voice is the thing I hear the most clearly.

"Can I get a, uh, large regular coffee with room for cream and a sugar cookie. Does that have meat in it? One of those, then. The salad too, please."

I sneak a glance over my phone to see Kevin walking toward me. Blushing, I look back down. The dull clink of plastic against the table makes me look up at him.

"Thanks for meeting with me, Edd," he says. The way he says my name sends a shiver down my spine. "I bought lunch--no meat, just the way you like it, right?"

I bite my lip to hide the smile from spreading on my face. Just the way you like it. "You didn't have to do that, but thank you!"

He smiles his cute boy-next-door grin that makes me feel like I'm dying and says, "I'm really sorry for me just randomly asking to live with you. Must have been weird, right?"

"It's okay! I told you that you are welcome to stay with me and Eddy if you ever need to," I tell him, watching him as he sits down and opens his sugar cookie.  I fold my hands and offer Kevin a polite smile as I ask, "So, I suppose I'll get right to the point?"

Kevin fixes himself in the seat and looks into my eyes as I start to speak. It's kind of intimidating, really; I have to look away for a second.  "Um, well I'm not sure what your rent will be. But it won't be much since I pay my parents to live there. It will probably be around one hundred and fifty dollars."

"Per month?"

"Is that okay?"

"Are you kidding me? That's unreal!" Kevin exclaims. "My last place made us pay four thirty-five every month. And it wasn't really that big, either. That's incredible."

I smile and look into my tea. "Well, I also want to warn you that I'm pretty... particular about my living spaces. I like neatness and order, and if you want to live with us I don't want the house to be messy.  Not that you would be messy! I just wanted to tell you."

"Yeah, of course," he says. "No prob Bob. So there's room for me?"

"Well, that's where it gets a little complicated," I chuckle nervously.  "There are two options really: we move Eddy into my room, or you move into my room temporarily--until we find a futon or a couch with a pull-out bed that would fit in my living room."

I can tell he's nervous after I say that.  Obviously he would be; I am too.  He looks at me like he wants to say something, but then stops himself.  

"Well, we can decide later, right?" I smile. "Would you like to visit the apartment after we eat? Do you have plans? You've been in it before, but I'll give you a proper tour this time."

"That sounds great," he nods. Kevin roughly opens the paper take-out box in front of him, grabbing a plastic spoon from the pile of napkins and plasticware he set in the middle of the table. Sliding the box to me, he asks, "You hungry?"

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