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"What's happing with me? My hands feels so heavy, such that I'm not able to raise them. And now my legs... I can't feel them...what's the fuck is going on?' I wail.

"Uzair..have patience..just have patience..take a deep breathe." She try to calm me.

"Leave me alone for sometime.. please" I yell but my voice is so deep that I'm about to burst into tears.


"Please" I request this time.
She nods and leaves.

I take the syringe out from my hand and think to get up but ugh!! I can't.. why can't I feel my legs. I move my hand with utmost energy and try to move the covers. I close my eyes because I cannot see my self without legs. I feel so hated on my fate.

I gently drag the covers. I cry and cry, reasons are many.. it's the group of stuff happening to me.

Firstly my dad!! I freaking saw my own father who was in that goddamn truck. How can he be so cruel that he freaking hit me. How can someone's father be so harsh and heartless.

Secondly, my Sofia, she was my backbone, always fills me with courage and supports me when I'm right and take me away from the wrong. I cannot believe... I want you so badly right now. Can someone get my Sofia back to me. Oh god!!!
I lift my heavy hand and wipe my tears.

Thirdly, my condition..

I gulp and see the lower part of my body. My legs..oh my goodness I can't feel them.. I finally take the cover away and..


I see my legs resting. But I can't feel them.

The nurse came in. She starts checking my blood pressure. "Nurse?" I call. I think I should ask her.


"What's wrong with my legs?" I ask.


"What!?" Ayaat and Yumna both gawks at the same time.

"The complete loss of movement in the torso, limbs and feet. Typically the product of an injury high in the spinal cord, quadriplegia  is the most debilitating form of paralysis, and may necessitate artificial respiration assistance, in addition to impeding the ability to use the bathroom, walk, sit up, and perform similar tasks without assistance." The doctor claims.

"Then what should.. I mean..the treatment?" Ayaat hesitates and gets restless.

"We can perform surgery to address physical barriers to movement. For example, an object lodged in your spinal cord or brain might need to be removed, or portions of your spinal cord might need to be fused together." He says.

"Medications and medical devices would be given." He adds.

"Thank you doctor." I say. He nods. "Will provide the medications don't worry." He say and leaves.

"Ayaat.." Yumna say aloud. As I look back at them Ayaat fell on the floor. "Calm down Ayaat. Don't worry I promise you to get Uzair back" I say and she hugs me instantly.

"Zoya you are the physiotherapist right? You know..right..what to do in these situa..situations..please do me this favor..Zoya I beg you.." she cries and hold her mouth to control her muffle  sounds.

"Shh.." I wipe her tears and swallow my emotions.  "Look at me Ayaat..listen to me." I gulp as she looks at me with her swollen red eyes.
It's hard for me too dear.

" Ongoing physical, exercise, and occupational therapy will help to regain some functioning...which mean, the more practice you get, the more likely you are to be able to work around your injuries..." I gulp again and wipe my tears continuesly with my sleeves.

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