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Chapter-6 Lil' memories

It's been 6 months, I didn't meet my dear brothers, there's a very sweet cherish on his face when he met me, I know, I know they love me a lot but not more than me, just kidding, he's smile is as similar as my mom.

"Hey? Why are you staring at me? I know I am the most handsome brother in the world, but don't stare at me like this..I'm feeling shy.." he states brushing back his hairs with the one hand while other sticks at the steering wheel.

"You has the same smile as mom's.." I say and curve my lips in a weak smile.

"But don't worry my husband will be smarter plus handsome than you! you know.." I teased.

"..Ah!" He gasps.

" Let's see then!!" He smirked.

"Yes! Why not.." I say and narrowed my eyes.

"...and we are here" he mumbled and my eyes look forward. I flutter and starts feeling nervous all of a sudden.

The watchman came and opens the gate and Uzair drive in slowly parking his car at the left side of the doorway.

I stab my eyes where it's roaming around the front yard and garden...How I use to play on the gate as if that's a swing for me and look there's a tree till yet, I planted it 9 years ago, it was tiny and now it's so big.

I smiled unwillingly.

I turned right and gasp. On the right side, there's a garden with a big swing decorated with flowers and leaves, it's same as before.

The memories hitting me so hard that I don't know when my eyes start tearing up.

"Mom!" I scream in pain.
when I was 10 years old...
I was playing around and I fell and my knee and forehead were badly bleeding.

"Ayaat!? What's happened??" Mom came running and helped me and my father didn't even look at me "Nothing happened she is just doing drama to get our attention, she'll be fine" he said and rolled his eyes.

He didn't even take me in his arms in my childhood. He didn't even care for me nor he looked at me. He did everything for my brothers and made me feel disappointed every time.

When dad used to get very angry then he used to take out his arrogance on me. He locked me in the darkroom, I was made to put my head in the water forcefully to stop my breath. He beat me so cruelty that I do have some scars yet.

I was so depressed and cursed my life and also tried to end my life but my mom was always there for me. She was so helpless when dad uses to do these things but after that, she was the one who aided me and gave me strength.

"So Ayaat how do you feel coming back after so long?" I startle when Uzair interrupts me from my memories.

"I don't know" I mumble and quickly wipe my tears.

He nods.

We went inside and Mrs Slater is there at the door to welcome me as usual. She was my caretaker and also she's our family maid.

She is so pretty even today.

"How are you, dear!?" She asks with all her happiness out.

"..I am good!" I assured and hugs her.

"what about you?" I ask.

"I am good too," she says and breaks our hug.

I look behind Mrs Slater and there comes my elder brother.

"There's my fat princess" Zain came opening his arms and hugs me quickly.

"Yea! Yeah! I am fat and you are chimpanzee" I giggle.

He Chuckled.

"Well, you know? I didn't miss you" he says and turns back.

I went to the side he turned,
"Even I didn't," I say wiping his tear.

He sighs and blinks back his tears.
"Today is my engagement and you are making me cry" he chuckled.

"Congratulations Bro," I Say.
We hugged again.

"Wait! I am coming too" Uzair says and join us. There's a trio hug. Yay!!.

"What's going on?" A bold similar sound interrupted and I suck the air in "can't you be quiet..shouting and disturbing me.." He adds walking towards the dining table, grab the chair tightly and pulls it back and sits on it.

"Dad!" I murmur and went near him,
lean in front of him on my knees and keep my palms on his thighs.

"Assalamualaikum, dad.
How are you?" I politely ask.

"After 9months probably.." I sniff and looks at him with some kind hope but it doesn't seem to be.. he's lost not just this time since my childhood maybe.

"Waalaikumassalam," he replies rudely.
"Mrs Slater bring my breakfast I'm late already and I don't have time to welcome others"

I plaster a smile and got up, went into the kitchen to get breakfast for dad. Why am I doing this? Even he's not bothered whether I'm greeting him or preparing food for him.

"It's ready dad. You can have it" I say keeping the plate near him.

"Mrs Slater, I asked you to bring," Dad yells.

Tears fill but I blink it back and sighed.
"Ayaat" Uzair calls me, and I find it be well distracting.

"Y-yea" I wince.

"I want to have the omelette you's been so long..I missed it," He says genuinely giving me a kid wide smile.

"Okay! I'll bring" I giggle.

I quickly made and Served to both of them.

"You make it like mom, this is so tasty" uzair says licking his fingers like a kid.

Even Zain says Licking his fingers.

I giggled.

I am in my room dusty pink colour walls with white curtains and a golden chandelier in between and yea my favourite hanging rope chair in the balcony.

Whenever I get sad, I usually sit on it and mom every time consoles me and my brothers gives me chocolates to make up my mood.

Nothing is changed but there's a person missing but her presence is still felt.

It's been years since my mom left, she was and is my idol. My pray area is same as I decorated it with the fairy lights at the right corner of my room.

I interrupted with a knock at my door.

"Come in," I say blinking my tears of joy which came out remembering my mother.

"Ayaat 3hours left for my occasion to start. Did you decide what to wear!?" Zain Bhai asked.

"Let's discuss it after what I ask you," I say raising my eyebrow.

"Oh-okay," he says giving me a weird look.

"Who is the girl? show me her photograph and what does she do? who is she? where does she live? how did you meet her? I want to know everything in detail" I'm asking his non-stop questions holding his hand in excitement.

He chuckled "first breath"

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