that barbeque day

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Chapter- 29 that barbeque day.

Ayaat pov

We are walking in a rose park near cafè coffee day. I keep kicking the dry leaves as we walk up to the cliff. It's 5:00 pm I would love to see the sunset with him.

I just remember that I still have to say him that he's Hazelnut, I mean I remember him as my hazelnut. We we're so busy in the case and I didn't find time to say him.. I wanted to give him a surprise and that's why I'm not getting enough time to plan it. I hope I say to him now. The sunset scene would be great to say him. Yay finally.

"Well done Mr.khan," I say tapping his shoulder proudly and "well done Ayaat," I say to myself and selflessly taps on my shoulder too.

We laughed.

"Well, thank you Ayaat!" Arhaan says giving me a cherishing smile.

I bit my cheeks to control my blush.
Why am I feeling so weird?

Ayaat chill he's your best friend. Seriously? Best friend? Or do I??

I shake my head.

What is wrong with me. Lol.

"Arhaan" I call him and put my hands in my pockets. Believe me, if your dress has pockets then you don't want anything for a perfect day. Haha.

"you look really good when you always keep smiling like me you know!" I grin. What am I saying. Idiot Ayaat.

"Haha," he smiles. I'll die right here. I guess.. his smile.. oh god bless him.

"umm... Ayaat do you know?" He says interrupting me with my thoughts.


"If John would know about you then god knows what would he do with you " Arhaan hesitates and sigh.

"Hey, no!" I gasp. "You promised me right. you'll protect me...So I can go where ever I want to because I know you'll be there with me no matter what!" I grin. Isn't it?" I raise my brows. Stupid Ayaat what is wrong with you. Since when started being cheesy.

I look at him trying to read his eyes but failed. The smile which he gives comes from his heart but there's something which bothers him

Even I try my best to make him happy nevertheless I fail every time.

"Hey!" He snaps his fingers and I blink.

"I..I'm sorry Arhaan, I every time try to make you happy but then I feel that I always fail to make you happy. I can see the happiness in your eyes but then I can also see a scar which you always hides.." I sigh and starts walking.


"You can share with me everything that you wants to.. I'm here with you..anytime" I interrupt plastering a smile.

He nods and gives me a weak smile.

I frown. "Did you hear that?" I ask.


"I guess someone is following us!"I say and slowly hides behind him.

"It's a rabbit, look there," he points and I slowly came forward turns. "Aww, that's so cute white grey Lil rabbit!" I murmur.

I look around the cliff which is somewhat like a forest. I can hear the birds chirping. This place looks so familiar but I don't know why I suddenly start feeling strange about it.

"Arhaan, I'm hungry," I say making a puppy face. "Yeah, same here, can you just wait here I'll be back in 5mins," he says and was about to go but I hold his wrist.

The Destiny.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ