fondness and longing

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Chapter-17 fondness and longing.

When Danyal used to find ways to tease me-the so-called president of school who never fails in his evil plans had lost this time.

Danyal bothered me but then suddenly he gets out of my way and I wasn't knowing who was helping me...I thought Danyal has changed for a good but then I got to know that it was Arhaan who was helping me.

Not to forget, Arhaan and Danyal were friends, not just friends but chuddybuddies, yeah they know each other since childhood...ooohhhh now I know why this munchkin tease me...

Arhaan's childhood's friend right...I know him since then. I can't believe that munchkin has grown to be this handsome.. lol!

"Oh, God!! Haha!" I recalled it now. Stupid me.

so, Arhaan made Danyal stop this he did when we were young? I don't think so...because Arhaan wasn't in Istanbul, right. It means there's another person behind this shit doing behind me.

"Ayaat? How did you get to know about him?" Yumna said while sticking her hands on the steering wheel.

Why is she so curious but more she looks surprised.

I sigh.

"Even I was going to ask you about this, why didn't you tell us this before??" Zoya grouched.

"Umm.. actually, do you guys remember when Arhaan helped me to find my key on his first day."

They nodded. "Yea!?"

"As you both know when Danyal did something and took my original key before I was acknowledged and started dumping some trash and stuff in my locker...I saw someone who was looking at us from a distance.. but I failed to recognize...anyways after that I made a replacement key and when I became the class representative, prof. Hans gave me a key to give it to Arhaan, then I accidentally dropped my key at that time..right.. so, I noticed that he changed the key with original one, the blue mark I made at first, made me realized that it's my original key, not the duplicate key." I narrate while remembering everything.

"So yeah!" I sigh again.

"After all this, I'm pretty much sure he helped me but sometimes I do feel there's another one who keeps an eye on us," I say while taking a deep breath.

"Oh!! But why didn't you tell us about this before ?" Yumna asks.

Why do I find a sudden change in her behaviour as if she wants me to tell her in detail or what? There's something I'm surely missing.

Or maybe it's my sixth sense. God knows what's going on.

"I was going too but.." 

"We know! You are now tensed for him.." Zoya interrupted.

"Look, we are here.." Yumna says and stopped the car.

I rush in and asks the receptionist as he told us he is in room number 104 first floor.

I'm standing outside of his room, I was about to open the door but suddenly my heartbeat races. I hear a voice as my hand sticks the doorknob.

Mom! Mom! Open your eyes!" I feel that's Zain running while holding a stretcher. The nurses, the doctor, Zain, Uzair and dad... I see them too who are running behind the stretcher, I see a lady seriously injured lying on the stretcher and there's another stretcher behind it. There  I see a guy who is telling her to wake up. He looks broken and keeps crying holding that girl's hand and the girl looking at him with so much concern. He's running with the exact speed of the stretcher.

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