the trial

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Chapter- 28 the trial.

"Did they find out the culprit?" Yumna asks.

"Yes, Arhaan finally caught that guy," I say. "Who is it?" She asks. "Bro I'm running out of time. I'll tell you in detail after I come back. Hopefully." I say and gets up to leave.

"I pray that Danyal would be safe and come back secure" Yumna whispers but I pretend to be deaf here. Since when she started caring about him. Anyways I shake my head.

"Yumna. Zoya. I'm leaving" I say aloud running down from the stairs goes right at the seat opposite of my shoe rack and quickly takes out my sneakers and starts wearing it.

"Okay..all the best" Zoya and Yumna wishes me together.

I smile and thanks to them.
They smile too.

"Pray that everything goes well," I say and rush out and receives the call. It's Arhaan.

"You know what to do right" He states.

"Yea Arhaan I'll be there on time. Don't worry." I assure him and

"Take care dear." He said and I nod and ends the call.

John pov.

"Hey, Mr.jackson!! You have to prove me innocent.." I order him. " I trust you, you can take how much money you want but you have to prove me innocent," I say last time to my lawyer before the trial starts.

"I am and I will try my best," he says and taps my shoulder.

I hope everything goes according to my perspectives. I've to win this case and has to run from this city as soon as possible.

I sigh.

"Who is the person taking the case from another side?" I ask and bite my bottom lip.

"Umm.. the layer Robin with his prosecutor Bert. But I heard that Bert isn't well.. so Bert's investigator that is Arhaan Khan is going to lead." He states and starts arranging the papers.

"Oh, Crap!! I heard he protests well!" I gasp.

"Ya! But we'll try our best!! As there are 50-50 chances according to the evidence." He says looking at me with his eyes up from his spectaculars.

"We wiped out the cues let's see how they'll win this trial besides Arhaan is the most tougher to make him lose but this time let us see what happens" Mr Jackson claims.

"To be clear!! We ain't here to see what happens..Mr.jackson!" I raised my voice. "We have to win this trial I want to be free..if not then I'll cancel your license" I yell demanding him.

"Y-yea" he hesitates.

"Good" I creep out.

It's true that there was me behind Amanda's accident. It's bad to kill your own ones but what should I do I was in need of money. mom and dad named their property only on Amanda.

They loved her since she was born until they escaped their breath. They forgot me and Jake...Jake doesn't even care because he too loves Amanda did I. Since after Jake was born, mom dad forgot me and focused only on the Jake and I every time has to compromise and then soon Amanda came..and snatched the leftover love from me..and all I can do was to take the money... yes I'm jealous and also I hate them.. they snatched everything from me... Let me just get free and I've to send Jake far away too... Not too far..but very far away from where he cannot come back again!!

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