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Many supplications and prayer, I am somewhat feeling better with some positive hopes. I look beside me and realize that Arhaan has already gone to bring coffee for us.

"What is your relationship with the patient?" A nurse interrupts.

"His sis..sister," I say and gulped while she hands me a paper. "Ma'am you need to fill this and submit it on the front desk.." she couched.

"How is he!?" I ask her ignoring what she has just said. "He's battling between his life and death.. just pray that he's chances of going in a coma should be less." She states and gently taps my shoulder and leaves with a weak smile.

"Wait for!?"  My eyes trying to find the right spot to look at but it's restless. This cannot happen with Uzair.. this is all because of me! Just because of me... " I keep thinking some random shit about me again, which looks realistic right know.

"Give me I'll do it.." I hear a familiar voice but didn't bother to look who is it. My muffle sobs escape in gasping breathes. "Ayaat? What's Wrong?" I can sense Arhaan. I look at him immediately, he keeps the cups on the chair and quickly and came near me.

" You.." I hiccup. "!"

"What's wrong?" He perturbed.

"Nurse just came..a..and she said...Uzair" I cry. "He..has more chan..ces to go in.." I sniff.

"Tell me clearly, dear." He swallows and cups my cheeks meanwhile getting my hair away from my face.

"" I falter. I shrug his hand off and sniffs while inhaling deeply. And he is standing in complete disappointment letting out a hopeless sigh.

"You know Arhaan it's all happing because of me... dad was right I'm a sinister and yes, I create mess and tons of problem where ever I go. And since childhood, I lost the one.." I pause. "To whom I ever loved the most. first mom and you and now Uzair." I blabber and get myself lost in my senses where I'm being hitting by my lovely memories spend with my loved ones. 

"It's not true... look I'm here right.. right in front of you.. extremely alright and fine..hmm?" He tries to calm me down while I dissent moving his hands away from my face again.

" Yes. I think I should go away from you now because I cannot let you die or be harmed just because of me.." I don't know how dare is I to say that. I inhaled deeply again. My nose is blocked and I couldn't breathe properly. Ugh.

I look away either up or down but couldn't face him. Suddenly tears fill up but I take them back and he is blank while trying to get me.

Yes I know I'm strong and I'll be strong. Ok, I'm lying here, I don't have enough courage left.

"It's not what you think Ayaat" he says.

".. Arhaan why don't you understand it's's all happing because of me... I know we can make it and.." I walk near him and holds his hand.

"And we were already been there." I look at his eyes now. "We spend tons of days without each other.." I said and leaves his hand.

"Like in childhood for almost 6 years and also, after I lost my freaking memory. So all and out for 7 fucking years and we can make it again." I pause and look at him again.

"I think so..." my voice gets deep.

As I ramble on, Arhaan here standing besides the door bewildered, trying to make sense of my behaviour.

I stop and walk near him again. "Arhaan just take this ri..ring off.." I sniff and heave.

"Why it's not coming out.." I mutter in frustration but more in vexation and quickly wipes my tears which I couldn't hold it for too long.

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