Chapter 16 - I'm scared

Start from the beginning

“My gift that I got you. And the flowers! Did you get my flowers?”, I asked raising my eyebrows expectantly.

“I didn’t notice there were flowers. Where did you put them?”

“On the counter thing in your closet”, I blurted out.

“Then they must be there still”, she said smiling warmly and leaned forward to drop a light kiss on my cheek. I hissed at the stinging feeling, making Taylor even more worried and upset.

“Tay, my head and ribs hurt a lot”, I said frowning.

“I know, baby. The doctor said you have a cracked rib and that your head received a big hit. You wanna tell me what happened?”

“Only if you promise that you’ll forgive me”, I whispered while looking deep into her mesmerizing eyes and she nodded reassuringly so I took a deep breath. “When I came back from the shopping mall, I found your sister watching TV on your bed”, I started off and Taylor’s eyes shot up in surprise.

“You invited her?”, she asked in a low voice.

“No, I spent the whole morning alone. I went out for a while and when I came back she was just there”, I answered truthfully and she nodded for me to continue. “So I went to your closet to drop your gifts and she followed me there and started again with her bullshit, asking me why I was insisting when you were going to kick me out and everything”.

“And what? You started fighting?”, she asked blankly.

“At all. I actually told her that I wasn’t in the mood to fight with her and to hear her insult me again and I went to the bathroom to wash my hands. But she followed me again.”

“Did she tell you anything?”, she asked shrugging.

“She said that she couldn’t miss the opportunity of having me alone and when I turned around she was right in front of me. Like, face to face”, I explained in a neutral tone.

“She kissed you, didn’t she? Oh, I’m gonna snap that bitch’s neck”, Taylor spat frustratingly.

“No, no, no. She didn’t. She… Hum… She said she wanted to teach me a lesson and she… she grabbed my ass”, I confessed sheepishly.

“The only one who’s gonna be taught a lesson is her once I step a foot out of that place!”, Taylor exclaimed furiously.

“I pushed her and yelled at her”, I added in a low timid voice.

“I’m glad to hear it”, she said nodding and squeezed my hands so I inhaled deeply, ignoring the slight sting coming from my ribs.

“Tay, your sister was annoyed by the fact that I’m with you and that she couldn’t have her way with me”, I said frankly and saw Taylor’s face hardening at the sound of that.

“She said that?”, she asked raising an eyebrow challengingly. Shit, she was mad.

“Y-Yes… She said something about… about me being a piece of meat… an appealing one… and h-how it’s unfair that… she… she can’t take a bite.”

“Hey, relax. I didn’t mean to pressure you or make you uncomfortable”, she whispered soothingly and leaned forward to kiss my forehead tenderly.

“She cornered me and she touched me”, I mumbled sheepishly as I looked down to our linked hands. It hurt me and broke me to know that someone else than Taylor had managed to lay their hands on me.

“Can you show me?”, she asked softly so I looked back up and shook my head no. “Babe, I need to know. I won’t hold it against you, I promise”.

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