Chapter 47: Cathlina

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I am so thoroughly overjoyed; I’m not sure what to do with myself.  The damage was not as severe as they thought.  He can get that medicine and as long as it works like it’s supposed to, the nerves will be fine.  He’ll be able to leave today.  He’ll be able to move his arm again.

          I am reading the paper over and over again.  I reread the notes and analysis the doctor has scribbled down.  It doesn’t seem real.

          “Cathlina,” Kasen says, hardly above a whisper.


          “Can you call Dr. Binson in?  I’m ready now.”

          I nod and press the big red button the doctor was talking about.  He comes bursting through the door almost immediately.

          “Ready then?” the doctor says.

          Kasen nods.  “Um, can you get off of me, please?”

          I don’t realize that I have my head cradled on his shoulder and my hand gripped on his until he says this.

          “Oh, yeah.  That might be important.”

          Dr. Binson puts a wrinkled hand on my arm.  “Miss, you may need to leave for a couple of minutes.”

          “Why?” I ask.

          “Because it is a health issue.  Now please leave.”

          I leave.  I don’t leave the door, though.  I stay close enough to hear what they are saying.

          At first, it’s really boring.  A bunch of medical terms that Dr. Binson rambles on about.  All I catch is that Kasen will have a minor surgery, but he will still be leaving today.  He tells Kasen that he will be awake during the operation, but it will not be too terribly painful.

          There is a bunch of other stuff that he says but none of it matters.  I leave and enter the waiting room where I sit and enter try to struggle through reading a magazine.

          I am satisfied, until a man in a black coat similar to mine comes up to me.

          “Hello?” I say.

          He speaks with a gruff voice.  “Cathlina Hampton, why aren’t you hiding?”

          “What?” I ask, my heart pounding.

          “You aren’t hiding in your hideout.  Why are you here at the hospital?” the man asks.

          “My friend is injured.  Who are you, and how do you know me?  How did you find me?  Were you following me?” I ask.  I place my magazine on the table by me slowly.

          The man’s expression doesn’t change.  “That is classified information.  Come with me.”

          My fight or flight response kicks in.  I get up and begin making my way to Kasen’s room.

          “Where are you going, Ms. Hampton?  If you do not come with me, I will be forced to make you.”

          I have gotten halfway there before I start running for it.  I knock on the door.

          Dr. Binson opens it in anger.  “I thought...”

          “Let me in!” I yell.  I grab the doorknob and slam it closed.  I find the lock and lock it up.

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