Chapter 46: Cathlina

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It’s unbelievable how calm Kasen is about all of this.  He’s about to find out if he has to have his arm cut off or if his arm is safe.  All he cares about is how the others are doing back at headquarters and whether or not I’m doing okay.  If anything, I should be making sure he’s okay.

          “Cathlina, are you okay?” he asks me again.

          “Yes.  I’m fine.  Nothing has changed since the last time you checked on me.  Are you sure you aren’t nervous about the doctor’s results?” I ask.

          “I’ll be fine.  If I lose my arm, oh well.  I can still live my life with one arm.  It will just be a little bit more interesting,” he says.

          Do you see what I mean?  He’s so optimistic.

          I still don’t want to leave him by himself.  I don’t let go of his hand for a second.  It isn’t because of the reasons you would normally assume, so don’t even go there.  I’m doing this because he is my partner on this mission and I want to treat him well.  Before, I may have felt some things I’m not so sure about.  Too much has happened and my mind isn’t clear yet.

          I reluctantly smile.  “If you’re sure.  I’m just worried right now.”

          His eyes search mine before he says, “Why don’t you check on the others back at headquarters again?”

          I bite my lip.  The truth is that I never actually checked up on the others.  I only told him I did so he wouldn’t try to leave by himself.

          “Uh, no,” I say.  “I can’t leave you.”

          He’s confused.  “Why can’t you?  I’ll be fine.”

          I purse my lips.  “No.  I’m not going to leave.  Not until we get the results.  After that, I might consider it.”

          He smiles.  His hand closes tighter around mine.  “You are great, Cathlina.  I only need you to check on them.  Just to make sure Jedda hasn’t come.  Can you do that, for me?”

          I think for a bit.  He’s trying flattery to get what he wants.  Sadly, I fall for it.  “Only after your results are in.  And you have to have the communication pin with you.  Or else I won’t go.”

          He nods.  “It’s a deal, then?”  He frowns for a second.  His hand reaches out and pushes a chunk of stubborn hair behind my ear.  His left arm work fine for that.

          I hold my breath.  I get goose bumps.  “Yeah, it’s a deal,” I say.

          He smiles.  “Good.”

          There is a long moment of silence between the two of us.  We search the room, trying not to make eye-contact any longer.  It will become uncomfortably awkward.

          I let out a length of breath.  I’m not sure what we can talk about now.

          “So, Cathlina,” Kasen says to break the silence, “how do you think you’re doing with your new job at headquarters?”

          I manage a short laugh.  “Um, well, it could be doing better if I didn’t lose two of the people I’m supposed to watch and keep safe.  We’re working on finding them, obviously, but it could be worse.”

          He grits his teeth.  “I wish I could help more.  I really do.  I hope I can get out of this place soon.”

          I feel like this is my fault.  It really is my fault.  Kasen says it isn’t anybody’s fault and I shouldn’t be so hard on myself.  I have a really hard time believing it.

          “You should get out soon.  Then we can go find them together.  As long as you’re okay with it,” I say, trying not to blame myself yet again.

          He sighs.  “What if they can’t fix my arm until a lot later?  I won’t be able to leave.  I’m not trying to down your spirits or anything.”

          I think.  I need to think before I say something that sets him off on a speech about not blaming myself.  “We can wait until then.  I’m sure that the medicine will fix your arm.  You should be fine.”

          As I say this, the door swings open.  Dr. Binson limps into the room with a metal cart dragging behind him.

          I jump from my seat.  “Are Aaron’s results in, Dr. Binson?” I ask.

          He arches his brows, or what’s left of them.  “Antsy, aren’t we, Ms. Hampton?”

          I nod.  My heart pounds so fast I can hear it in my ears.  The anticipation of waiting has made me jittery.

          “Alright, well, his results are in, but I cannot show you them.  Not unless he signs something to allow you to see them,” the doctor explains.

          Kasen interjects, “Wait, why should I have to sign something if I’m sitting right here?  Why can’t you just ask me?”

          The doctor looks befuddled.  “Medical reasons.  Just sign this paper.”  He places a sheet of paper on a clipboard and hands it to Kasen.

          “Wait, I can’t write with my left hand.  It won’t be readable,” Kasen points out.

          Dr. Binson sighs.  “Fine.  I am the doctor, so you may give her permission.”

          “Thank you.  Corrie, you may see my test results if you’d like,” Kasen tells me.

          I nod.  “Thanks, Aaron.”

          The doctor takes the clipboard and pulls a page from the back.  He hands the paper to Kasen.  “I will leave it to you two to let things settle.  Call me in using the button on the table when you have made up your minds.”

          None of that makes sense, but the creepy old doctor leaves the room.

          I lean into Kasen’s shoulder to read.  My head is practically laying on his shoulder.

          “I’m going to,” he says, his eyes wide with astonishment.  He smiles at me, our noses almost touching.

          “Yeah, you can,” I say.

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