The Runaways: Chapter 12: Kasen

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I look around for someplace to think. I can't just stand in the middle of the sidewalk with businesspeople bustling to their jobs running into me. A few women ask me if I need a ride to school, but I tell them no. I'm going to walk. They shrug and walk away from me.

I spot a little cafe a few blocks away on the other side of the street. I look around and cross the street as soon as the traffic lets up. I enter the shop and notice that pretty much nobody is in here.

A man at the cash register smiles at me. When he sees nobody is behind me, he frowns. “Are your parents coming with you? Or an older sibling?” he asks.

“Um, no. It's just me. Can I sit down for a while?” I ask, hoping he will buy it.

“Only if you buy something. I don't think my boss will like a teenager in here by himself,” the worker tells me.

I sigh in frustration. “Fine. I'll get something. I don't have much money, though.”

I get a bagel and a coffee. It's better than nothing. It only costs me $2.50 for the coffee and $1.25 for the bagel. But, I only have about two dollars left. That's not enough for a day. Great, this is already off to a bad start. How am I supposed to get more money? I could beg, but I don't think anyone's going to give money to a desperate fourteen-year-old.

I sit at a table near the door. A couple sits at a table a few away from mine. They are holding hands and laughing, making a hole burn in my heart. Seeing them so happy makes me want to try and find Sofey. I shouldn't have told her about the whole running away thing. It only made her upset, and that was the last thing I wanted to do. I didn't want to hurt her. I thought she'd be able to handle it.

She didn't want to say goodbye. That was the problem. She didn't want to see me leave. I should've left yesterday. Then she wouldn't have cried and run away from me. I feel like a horrible person, letting her feel so upset.

Well, it's over, I did it, I can't undo the past. I wish I can. I should've just dealt with my parents for a little longer and let her adjust to the idea before I actually began to run away.

I decide to try and take my mind off of my mistakes. I take a sip of my coffee.

“Ow!” I burnt my tongue. I should've waited before I started drinking it. My tongue begins to feel funny. It feels kinda tingly. I grab the water that came with the coffee and take a drink of that. I can still feel the patch of my tongue that I burnt with that coffee.

I take a bite of my bagel. At least that won't burn my tongue.

So, where should I go? I can't go back home, and I can't go to Sofey's house. There might be an alley I could possibly sleep in for a while, so nobody can see me. That could be okay for a while, but it won't last. I'll have to find a better place like a relative's house. But, they would tell my parents if they knew who I am. I'll need a while to think, though.

I finish eating my light breakfast. It won't be enough for a whole day, but I'll have to figure that out later.

I leave the cafe and walk down the street. Right now I'm just wandering aimlessly. I can find a park to stay at for the day. Just someplace so my parents won't find me.

I hear a man talking to a woman behind me.

“Is that him? Should we get him?” the man asks the woman.

They don't think I can hear them. I continue walking to show I can't understand them. Maybe I can figure out who they are and why they want to take me.

“Not yet. They don't need him until later. We should keep an eye on him. Make sure he isn't getting into any trouble,” the woman tells the man.

“You sure? They would be happier if we brought him earlier,” the man asks again.

The woman sighs and I hear their footsteps stop. I look to the side and find that there is a bench. I casually sit down and scope the surroundings. They don't know I stopped.

“No, Don. We need to bring him this afternoon. If we bring him before, we could be fired. She needs him later,” the woman tells the man.

“Fine. But don't blame me when we lose his trail,” Don tells the woman.

I look over to them and they disappear into whatever shop they are standing next to.

Now I know somebody is after me. I'm not sure who it is and what they want to do with me, but I know I should stay away from those two people. If they want something I have, I don't want to give it up.

When I know they aren't coming after me, I use my new power I discovered yesterday to run to the closest park. They shouldn't be able to find me now. As long as they don't show up at the park, I should be okay.

Now to find a place to sleep tonight. I know it's still morning, but it won't hurt to plan a shelter. I need a place to sleep until I figure out where I'm going.

I sit on a park bench to catch my breath. I may be quicker than before, but running still takes up a lot of my energy. I wonder if the people I passed on the way here saw my abnormal speed. They would be confused and worried they were going insane. I would think so, too. No normal teenager runs quicker than a car.

I see a party going on a few feet away. I get an idea. It's probably a stupid idea that could get the cops called on me, but this idea is better than no idea at this point. I should never have left home.

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