Episode 22: New Beginnings

Start from the beginning

"Church?" A long silence followed after. "Tell me. You haven't been seeing strange things lately...have you?"

"What do you mean?" My heart sped up.

"Like strange people watching you, or anything like that?"

I shook my head, sealing my lips together. I had a feeling that telling Namjoon about meeting two possible guardian angels might not mix well with him. He seemed a little bit too angry with anything that was holy. "Nope. Not at all."

His eyes didn't peel off of me right away, but after a few seconds, he seemed to finally be convinced.

"Where's Sera?" I suddenly asked.

"She's fine. I sent her off with Lith watching her. She's playing in my room." Jungkook answered. God, I could really trust him the most if I was being honest here.

"Anyway, where did you disappear to yesterday? V and Jimin were gone for a while too." Namjoon asked me.

"I went to Lucifer's and it was definitely not the best party I been to," I shuddered. "I also met Leyla."

"You what?" Namjoon's eyes flashed purple.

"Leyla?" Jungkook practically choked out. "Did you really...with V and Jimin?!"

"What's wrong? Isn't she Suga's mom?" The mood darkened

"That woman is despicable." Namjoon could have spat it out. "I can't believe Jimin was desperate enough...what in the world is going on?"

"What's so bad about her?" This reaffirmed that none of the boys seemed to be comfortable with her. "I mean, I do find it weird that she's hanging out on earth with humans as Satan's concubine."

"She's banished from Abaddon, Hanul. For a good reason." Jungkook stepped in. "And she's satan's ex-concubine."

"That's not of importance right now. What's important is that she must have told things that messed with Jimin's mind. Damn her nefarious visions."

"What's so special about her visions?" My heart pounded. "I actually got a reading too."

"You what?" Namjoon's eyes widened.

"I saw things..."

"Damn it. It was best that you hadn't been introduced to that kind of dark magic." Namjoon cussed.

"But why? It's just a vision."

"It's different, Hanul. She's not natural borne like Suga. Her power isn't pure. That woman has the ability to touch and awaken darkness. Do you know what that means? She's indirectly caused Jimin's restraint to weaken against his inner darkness."

"But...if that's true then, then wouldn't I be changing by now too?" There didn't seem to be anything wrong with me yet. I didn't feel different, I only felt fear not evil.

"I don't know what she did to you exactly." Namjoon sighed and shook his head. "But I know that it'll be much easier of course for Jimin to change. Darkness is his nature after all."

"This isn't good," Jungkook mumbled beside me. I looked back and forth between their faces. They were definitely hiding something.


"It...well, let's just say, this has never gone too well in the past."

Like an omen that came true, the front door flew open and a rush of hot wind blasted my hair back. I had to cover my eyes to avoid them from tearing up, but as soon as I put my arm down I could smell a strange yet strong iron stench radiating off of V.

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