"Jesus!" I jump when I shut my locker to find someone standing by me. "Damn it Jackson, you scared the hell out of me," I place my hand to my heart hoping to slow down the racing.

"Sorry," he frowns a little and I just adjust my bag on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it," I shake my head, sliding passed him and heading towards the lunchroom.

"Where are you going?" he catches up, him falling instep with me.

"Lunch," I answer simply not getting why he is around me. I honestly don't care to talk to the guy, not after he was a drunken ass and called me a bitch. I hate that word.

"That's cool," he looks down at the ground, his hands resting in his pockets.

"Oh thrilling," I turn the corner, thanking the lunchroom for being right there so I can get away from this awkward walk.

"Tenley…" Jackson grabs my wrist when I spin in the room, mind already set to take off and disappear in the group of people.

"What Jackson?" I pull my arm away and cross them over my chest. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to say sorry about this weekend. I was drinking and didn't mean to come across as an ass," he apologizes and I really can't tell if he is being sincere or not, but honestly I don't care.

"Well apology accepted, see ya," I spin back around but again he jumps in front of me cutting me off.

"Ten come on, I'm being serious here," his eyes seeming to be pleading.

"Jackson…" I roll my head back, looking to my right to see Colton and Max sitting at a table across the way. Everyone around them are having some laugh about something, but I see Colton's eyes locked on me and when he nods his head at Max, my brother looks over his shoulder at me and I see his eyes darken. I know that look; it's not a good look.

"Remember when we skipped class? That was fun right? I mean we just kinda hung out," he reminds me and I turn my head back to look at him.

"Yes Jackson it was fun, but it wasn't fun having you being a jackass to me and then calling me a bitch for no reason," my tone being a lot harsher then I meant to. It's just the whole thing really annoyed me, again not because I had any sort of thing for Jackson but because it really struck and old nerve I thought I had gotten over.

"Can we start over?" he sighs, running his hand through his hair. "You know like Friday didn't happen?"

"Fine," I answer quickly when I see Max slowly left from his seat and start walking over to us. "We can start over, it didn't happen but Jackson I really need to go."

"See ya later then? Maybe hang out in gym or something?" he offers when I slowly start backing away.

"I don't know Jackson, I'll think about it ok?" I give him only the thing I could thing to offer and he let out a disappointed nod before slowly walking back out of the lunchroom. "Crap," my back slams into what feels like a brick wall and my body jerks forward, a strong arm wrapping around my waist to keep me from falling down.

"What was he wanting?" i cringe slightly at the harsh tone, turning to look into his dark eyes.

"Oh just saying hello," I play it off with a shrug and smile. "You finish lunch already?"

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