Chapter III

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The Last Vampire Princess

"We're here." Jackson grinned widely and yanked the car keys from the ignition.

He had decided, before we left that he would be the one driving. Ana told him no, but obviously he won the argument. He always does. She has tried arguing with him, but that's like fighting a wall. there's no way to break, or get past it. [unless you're 200lbs of big mean meat eating machine amiright? ;D *retreats back into my lair*]

Electric music could be heard from inside of the car. Even though Jackson and Ana weren't inside, she felt as if they were. The car seemed to almost shake from the loud music.

"Jackson I-" I want to go home. I don't want to be here. I've never gone to such a place before, and I'm scared. That's, at least what Ana wanted to say.

"It's too late now. You made your choice." Jackson opened his car door and slid out. Ana followed in pursuit and winced when her heels clanked on the concrete. She hated wearing heels, they poke and puncture your feet like pins and needles would.

Why did I even agree to this?

Jackson began heading towards the club and Ana had to hop/walk to catch up to him. Jackson made her wear a low cut v-neck glitter top that was tight around the hips. It was a navy blue color that matched the dark wash skinny jeans he picked out. Ana's hair was out of its pony tail and floating around her, well, more like tangled around her. She has never missed hair ties so much until now.

Ana held her ID close to her chest. The bouncer was checking Jackson's ID with a clipped gaze. He looked down at the ID then back at Jackson, then back at the ID again. Finally, he nodded his head and Jackson entered the club.

My turn...

Ana gave a weak smile and held out her ID. The bouncer scowled deeply and took her ID. He did the same thing that he did with Jackson, looking back and forth from the ID to her. When she thought that he wouldn't let her in, he nodded his head and allowed Ana to enter.

Ana's never seen such a place like this before. Neon lights were everywhere; some climbed up walls, some light up the center of the floor, like dance panels. Many of the people inside the club, wore something bright and flashy. Almost as if it were a theme or something. The room had to be 6x the size of Ana's school gym. The music seemed to roll off the walls, she couldn't explain it, but there was something about the music, that made her have the sudden urge to dance.

"Ana! Over here!" Jackson screamed over the music and grabbed Ana by her elbow.

Reluctantly, she followed Jackson. He was leading them towards a nearby bar. When Jackson sat down, Ana stood behind him and stared at all the different kind of drinks in front of him. The drinks were stacked up in shelves and the shelves were outlined with color changing neon lights. Jackson snapped his fingers and grinned broadly. Not long after, a man behind the counter dressed in a fancy dress shirt and a tie came up towards Jackson and Ana . He clearly was the bartender.

"What can I get you, sir?" His eyes stayed glued on to Jackson as he waited for a response from him.

"Jello shots." Jackson's eyes lit up and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder pulling Ana closer to the counter.

"Would you like anything, Ana?"

He's only teasing Ana, she could feel it. He's silently laughing inside. She won't request for a drink, it's not the kind of person she is. That's what Ana told herself, but what came out of her mouth was something else entirely, she didn't even expect myself to say what she did. Ana must've been possessed.

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