Back home everyone said he could have been Shermar Moore younger brother because they looked a lot alike. Like he was voted his celebrate look alike in the yearbook last year and if you have not seen Shermar Moore I highly suggest looking that man up because he is delicious, pretty sure that is the only word to describe him. Now I personally don't think they look alike because my brother is far from delicious but I don't know.

While doing my makeup, which I have to do even bumming out. I feel my phone vibrating again.

'Is that so? How friendly is friendly, like Clare Carlton friendly or me friendly ;)' God he is stupid. Clare Carlton was that girl in school who was just overly sweet to everyone, she was the pastor's daughter and I know what you all think pastor's daughter oh yeah, oh no. She was the most innocent thing I have meet and just really nice, really really nice and it annoyed the hell out of me.

'Definitely you friendly.' I reply and its true Colton is definitely Zane friendly.

Working on my hair I grow frustrated. I hate the days that no matter what you do it just stays terrible. Like you can straighten it all day, brush it a million times and still it doesn't go the way you want, and just is annoying. I normally like my hair, I like the color and length but I don't know lately to me it just seems flat and boring. It is really dark brown, when I get in the sun light it has a red tent to it which I love but indoors it's just brown. When I usually wear it straight this bumming day I have it pulled into a loose bun with small strands hanging from it then a few strands out in the front and tucked behind my ear.

I check my phone seeing it's almost noon so I head downstairs to make my some coffee and taking some Advil for my headache. My muscles are starting to relax so my body isn't so sore but my head is still hurting a little. I text Max tell him I am feeling better so just text me when he pulls into the driveway.

I finish some homework for my classes that I hadn't finished and studied a little more for Mr. Graves test. The test I know will suck and it's because I suck at English. I'm not too good at the words thing and barely pass every year. We are reading a story and that's what the test is over and I know I am failing it already since I am sitting here reading it and I still can't tell you the name of the book without checking the cover. However in my defense I missed the reading of the book because…ok I don't know why I didn't read the damn book it was just boring.

My phone vibrates once again on my bed next to me and I grab it with a smile knowing its Zane but the smile fades when I read what he put,

'Would you be mad if I told you I went out with Mandy last night?' Why the hell does he have to tell me that? I mean it's not like I would have known if he went out with the slut so why tell me.

'Why would I be mad? I mean we are friends so why does you going out with someone make me mad?' Friends, I use that term loosely to describe me and Zane, very loosely.

'Ten…' he sends back and ok why the hell will he send back just my name? Like he wants me to know he is frowning or upset with my responds. Well I don't care because that's just dumb.

'Zane I don't know what you want me to say to that. We have been friends for years and you have never asked me my opinion on one of your sluts.' I pound the text into my phone slamming it shut.

Ugh I hate Zane Collie. What the hell was he thinking telling me that? I can't believe after everything that has happened with us he would tell me that.

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