Chapter 12

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She arrived at 3 o'clock on the dot.
Arden walked into my apartment with a tall and dark man. His brown hair pulled into a tight bun. "I hope you don't mind I brought a friend with me." She introduced him as Fred. I walked them both to the far end of the apartment. Fred was quite the whole time while she spoke on and on I did not mind she made it less awkward. I took some pieces out for them to view. "Since the colours in the hotel are mainly natural colours we need the art to flow with the hotels colours." Fred finally spoke. I got more oil paintings from the corner. "This is perfect." She spoke grabbing it and holding it up. Fred examined it. He looked at me. "Can you make a bigger one, I'll take this one and a bigger one for the
Reception area." "I can do that, it will be done by Sunday." I knew what I was getting myself into I had nothing to do this whole weekend so I'd just paint on the large canvas. Fred and Arden walked out together talking about a hotel in Miami. When they walked back in. Other men walked in with boxes and bubble rap. They took the pictures and walked out. Fred and Arden stayed behind and made plans to meet up. It was intimidating watching her talk business with a man.

She walked back in alone."Fred will pay you once the large piece is done. I on the other hand would like something a little more personal." She sat down on the couch. "Most of my personal stuff are way to personal and dark." I said watering my plants in the kitchen. "The darker the better." She said watching my every move. I moved the larger canvas on to the desk. I began mixing colours together. Maybe I could use her."Would you like to be a model for me?" I'd use her for my new collection for Barry. She sat up and basically strangled me with a hug. "Yesssssss ohh my God yes!!!" She stood up and posed. "Could you please undress."
"I should what?"
"Undress I'm using you as a reference so I need you to undress." I took another canvas out and made new paint mix. Arden quickly undressed as if she had been waiting for years to hear me say it. She sat on the sofa. "Find a position you are most comfortable with." She sat with her legs crossed. Her arms were resting on the sofa. I moved the plant so that they were behind her. I placed everything where it could be and began sketching her. Her body, her eyes and the way her legs crossed. She was perfect.

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