Chapter 4: opportunity

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That same night I emailed her. I also asked her to give me my portfolio back. I tap at my laptop and looked at my emails. I took note that tomorrow my therapist wanted  to see me. 

My phone rang.
"I feel bad about this Oly, can we meet tomorrow." Sam sounded desperate. "I can't tomorrow I have work." I could not face Sam. 
" and dad want you home this Christmas. You did miss last years one."
"Sure I'll be there."
"Oliver I'm sorry I really I'm.. I was drunk and... I screwed up your my little brother." I listened to him while making coffee.
"And I just want to make it up to and dad can tell something is wrong I can't even look at them and tell them what I did...If you could forgive me Oly..." Serves you right I thought. 
"Just so you can fell better about yourself. I bet she is with you right now she said she was staying with a friend. Harper has no friends she's too much of a bitch to have any." I spoke as calmly as I could. "God Sam even when your sorry you are not." I dropped the phone I throw it against  the wall. I knew all along they were seeing each other I was hoping she would break up with me because if I did she would just string me along and I can't do that anymore. All she had to do was leave me. Not sleep with my brother.

The next day I went to my therapist office and waited. Dr Dickson was the one that's helped me for the last couple of years. He is an old man with grey hair and a really cool beard. He wears glasses but he takes them off every five seconds. I looked at a painting while waiting to see him. I began to bit my nails. "I'm all you have."Harpers voice echoed in my head."Oly I'm sorry okay." Sam's voice did not help the loud mess that was going on in my head.
"Mr Wicca your art is lovely it really is but we can't except this, its not on our level of standards" The different art dealers.
I sighed and stood up when his office door opened. I have a lot to tell him.

A few weeks past. I kept ignoring Sam's calls, Harper still did not come back she has not called either. I worked night shift at a mall. I began cleaning up the food court. When got an email notification.

Dear Mr Wicca

We would like to meet you in person to talk about having your art work in our gallery. Miss Langar referred us to you and we would like you to bring work you have done recently. Please email us as soon as you can. Visit us tomorrow. We hope to see you at 9:00 am.

Thanks you kind regards

Thank you

I was shocked. Sam Baily wanted to see my stuff my work. I had not even thought of that gallery they only work with  the best artists in the world not just the city. The whole fucking world. I smiled. I emailed right back.

I am available tomorrow and I will bring my work tomorrow I'll be there at 9. Thank you.

It was a basic email but I had no way of professionally telling them thank you. I panicked slightly, they want to see my art. I hoped it was  good enough. I've only two art works this month. What If they don't except my work but I have not done enough. My shift ended at 3 am. As soon as I got to my apartment I drew some more.

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