Chapter 23 ||

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Jayda Pov:

"Lucas, open the door." I said banging on his door. I'm finally back home and now I gotta settle this shit.  "Lucas." I yelled out then the door finally opened.

"Wassup." He said. His breath smelled just like liquor.

"You been drinking?" I said as he opened the door wider so I can come in. There was liquor bottles all over the table.

"Jayda, what you want? Don't you got somewhere to be with your Hollywood nigga?" He said.

"It really wasn't what you think Lucas, you know how paparazzis are." I said looking at him.

"Mann Jayda I know I'm not perfect, I know I'm not getting nowhere in life but I been really trying to do better with you. I thought everything was right, I thought I was doing everything right. You know why I avoided going back to the studio down here? Is to get away from Omeretta. You know why I was always at your house and got mad once your mama came back which means I gotta stay at my house? Is to get away from Omeretta because I knew sooner or later she was gone be knocking at my door. I been doing a lot of shit to avoid getting myself in trouble but you not helping me. You really not Jayda. You want everything your way, you wanted me to act like this shit cool. I know I'm not your husband nomore but if we can still be together after a divorce than there's a lot of chemistry there. So I feel like you should atleast think of me when you making decisions but you don't nomore. Everything's falling apart because of you Jayda and I realized that once your mama got out of jail." He said but I really wasn't as focused on what he was saying because I was too busy focusing on the noticeable hickies on his neck.

"I gotta go." I said standing up from the couch.

"Really Jayda?" He said then I realized he was crying.

"Maybe, we can talk after I have this baby but right now I'm not finn stress this. Thanks for the blessing you gave me." I said shaking my head then walked towards the door. I opened the door and Omeretta was standing right there.

"Hey." She said nervously, I looked at her stomach and fainted.


I woke up inna hospital room, alone and confused. What's going on? That's what I wanted to ask but wasn't nobody in the room to ask.

"You really got that nurse believing you was born a girl, bae you childish." Tay said laughing as she walked in with Trilla behind her with snacks in her hands.

"What's going on?" I said anxious.

"Oh my gosh, you up." Tay said looking at me as she walked over to me. There was these sharp pains in my stomach causing me to groan in pain.

"What's going on?" I questioned again.

"You fainted and had a miscarriage." Tay said.

"Right when I try to get away from having more stress, it still happens." I said as tears came down my face.

"Ahh, Hey Ms. Jayda White. I see you're finally up. How are you feeling?" My doctor said coming in.

"Cramps." I said with a sigh.

"That's what I got these for. All you gotta do is sign some papers and you will be on your way." He said shaking the bottle of pills in his hand.


"Jayda, can we talk right quick?" Trilla said coming in my room.

"Yea, wassup?" I said raising up in the bed as he shut the door behind him.

"You changed a lot." He said shaking his head as he sat on the side of my bed.

"What you mean? In a good way or bad way?" I questioned.

"Bad, you used to be so independent. But now you act like you need Lucas. Jayda you don't need him. And I think it's for time for y'all to come to an end, you don't deserve that. I know he treats you good when y'all are on good terms but you shouldn't be getting hurt in the first place. You got a good heart and you are a beautiful girl, Jayda. You deserve somebody that knows your worth." He said. "And speaking of that Jalen reached out to me on Facebook. I know he cheated on you before but he's different now." He said then gave me his phone which was on his and Jalen's messages.

Jalen- Hey bro, i know we ain't used to get along back then but i need a favor from you.

Trilla- wassup? That was in the past, imma grown man now

Jalen- I know you and Jayda close friends and I also know you and Lucas is too. But I just can't act like I don't miss Jayda. You my only connection to her, and I know things might not ever go back to the way they was but it don't hurt to give it a try, right?

Trilla- Jayda in the hospital right now, I don't wanna bother her bout this. And my loyalty goes with Jayda, as long as somebody trynna make her happy I'm down with it

Jalen- hospital for what? She good?

Trilla- a miscarriage from too much stress

Jalen- Damn that shit probably my fault. I didn't know we was being watched and it wasn't even nothing like that.

Trilla- You trynna get things right with y'all, right? Then get to work.

Then the messages was over.

"He called me a while ago, asking for your address." He said then got up from the bed and opened the door and there stood Jalen.

"Jayda, everything comes to an end but true love always comes back." Trilla said then walked out the room.

"You only live once." Jalen said with a smirk. I couldn't help but smile and run into his arms.

I found MY ESCAPE.

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