Chapter 8 ||

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Lucas Pov:

I walked in the house and the whole place was pitch black and quiet as fuck. It was 12 something at night so I just assumed everybody was sleep. I spent the past couple of hours with Omeretta and it made me realize maybe me and Jayda not meant together. We don't agree on a lot of things and I'm always doing stuff that I don't like doing just to make her happy no matter of the circumstances.

I walked in my room and cut on the light and my room was back to normal. The tv was there and my mama necklace was on the dresser and my room was clean. But something didn't feel right.

Jayda Pov:

"What's wrong with you?" Talia said as she seen me on her couch crying my eyes out. Like I know you mad but you didn't have to go out and cheat.

"Lucas cheated." I said then the front door opened.

"Whatchu crying for?" He questioned looking at me.

"I'm finn go to bed, if you need me just call my name." Talia said then walked off.

"Lucas this relationship, this so called marriage is over." I said then took the ring off my finger and sat it on the table then wiped my tears.

"Ain't shit over. I'm sorry for yelling at you but you not finn break up with me because if that. We came too far for you to be giving up now." He said.

"You think that's why I'm breaking up with you? What else you do today Lucas?" I said then he stood there clueless which just made me more madder than I was before.

"Bitch I seen you and Omeretta. Just because you're mad at me don't mean you gotta run to another chick. The first time Jalen cheated on me, I left his ass and didn't come back. You think I'm finn let you just get away with that? Hell nawl. So therefore you needa leave and continue getting your comfort from Omeretta." I snapped but instead of him leaving he sat his phone down on the table and sat on the couch beside me.

"I'm not going nowhere. And I'm not finn let that ruin our relationship Jayda. You know I lo-" he said but I cut him off.

"If you don't leave, I'll just leave." I said standing up and grabbing my keys and slid back on my nike flops.

Lucas Pov:

I watched as she left out the house and I instantly regretted everything I just did these past couple of hours and I know there probably was no way fixing this because she seen it with her own eyes.

I stood up and grabbed my keys but Tay came from the back and stopped me.

"Lucas just give her some air." She said but I wasn't hearing none of that. Jayda is my whole heart and I can't let her go like this.

I walked out the house and jogged to my car. I seen her car making a left at the end of the road so I zoomed off and followed her. With her noticing that I was following her she went way past the speed limit.

I grabbed my phone and called her and surprisingly she answered.

"Lucas leave me the fuck alone." She said into the phone.

"Slow the fuck down before you end up wrecking." I snapped then the call ended. As soon as she turn the corner a car ran straight into the side of her car. My whole heart literally dropped. I put my car in parked in the middle of the road and jumped out.

"Lucas, help me." She said once I approached the car.

"Don't touch her!" I heard somebody yell out causing me to turn around.

"What you mean don't touch her? This my damn wife." I snapped then opened her car door. Blood was getting everywhere. Her head was bleeding, nose and lip busted and it was just horrible.

"You don't want the injury to get worse, just call the police." The same woman yelled back and I did what she said.


I watched her lay in the hospital bed unconscious and all I could think about was the last conversation we had.

"I think it's pretty fucked up how I had to find out bout this wreck through social media." Talia said walking in the hospital room with Tay and Trilla following behind her.

"My bad." I responded.

"You good, Lucas?" Tay questioned.

"Yea." I lied.

"Yea he good, he's not the one in the wreck." Talia said.

"What the fuck is yo problem?" I said looking over at her.

"You is the problem, she wouldn't even be laying in this hospital bed if it wasn't for you." She snapped back.

"You so right, but I'm not even finn argue with yo dumb ass while she laying in that hospital bed." I said back.

"Y'all chill out." Tay said but hell ain't shit started yet.

"Naa, fuck him. I don't even know why he even here, Jayda don't even want yo ass nomore. You cheated, so why are you here?" She said surprising me. Never thought this girl would ever step to me like that but hell shit change, I guess.

"I'm here because of the same reason you here. And what me and Jayda got going on don't got shit to do with you. Worry bout you and Jamison not Jayda and Lucas." I said back. I'm not finn let this lil ass girl try to disrespect me. I know what the fuck I did but you ain't gotta throw it in my damn face.

"Lucas, let it go." Trilla said looking at me.

"Naa fuck that lil ass girl. She started with me when I haven't said anything out the way to her ass." I said. Now I'm mad because why the fuck you starting with me at a time like this?

"Lucas, get the fuck out." I heard Jayda say then I looked at her and she was looking right at me.

"You really want me to leave?" I questioned.

"Yea." She replied then I got up and left. I'm not finn beg nomore, if she don't want this relationship then fuck it. I know my mama don't want me giving up but hell if Jayda not caring about this relationship then I'm not either. I know what I did was wrong but damn you letting go that easy?


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