Chapter 22 ||

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Lucas Pov:

"Who that?" I yelled out as I heard somebody walk in my house.

"Omeretta." She yelled back. This girl getting a lil too comfortable.

"Whatchu doing walking in my house like that?" I questioned walking in the living room where she was at.

"I mean, I was knocking for a couple of minutes and I knew you was here." She said.

"Ok but I gotta girl, you can't be doing that." I said. "What you want anyways?" I questioned.

"I came to tell you about your girl." She said then handed me her phone. The shit that I seen pissed me off so bad that I almost threw this girl phone.

"Don't snap too quick, you know how paparazzis are." She said but fuck that.

"Naa, I don't give a fuck because why the fuck is she even talking her ex." I said giving her, her phone. I grabbed my phone out my back pocket and called Jayda.

"Hello?" She said answering the phone.

"What the fuck is you doing hanging with your ex? And why the fuck y'all at a hotel together?" I snapped into the phone.

"Lucas, I'm with my class right now. I will call you back later." She said all calm.

"Well, you needa step outside or something because I wanna what the fuck you got going on." I said then she hung up the phone.

"Fuck bruh, I ain't been doing shit but being loyal to her ass. Haven't even thought about fucking over her and she wanna do some shit like this." I snapped.

"Lucas, calm down. Maybe it's not what it looks like. I didn't show you for you to just snap on her like that, I showed you so you wouldn't be lost." Omeretta said rubbing on my arm trynna calm me.

"Like I said before I don't give a fuck, there shouldn't be no reason she fucking talking to him." I snapped.

"Nine times out of ten he still have feelings for her, ain't no ex gone be that damn close to you and feel nothing. They could be fucking for all I know because why is they at a hotel together." I said.

"Lucas but you're doing the exact same thing. You're talking to your ex, your ex is in your house in your face. So, is you and your ex fucking?" She said.

"Shit, you tell me." I said then smashed my lips into hers.

"Lucas stop, you just mad right now." She said pushing me off but that wasn't stopping me.

"Quit trynna resist me, Retta." I said against her lips as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I'm not." She whispered as I kissed on her neck.

"Well relax then." I said as I picked her up. I knew she was giving in once she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck pulling my face closer to hers.


Jayda Pov:

"Hey, Mrs. Lovette." I said into the phone as I stepping outside the salon.

"Hey Ms. White, after this trip. You're suspended." She said causing my whole mood to change.

"For what?" I questioned raising my voice.

"It's embarrassing to have one of my teachers on a social page with a dude while on a field trip with her students. Yes, you are grown Ms. White but this is unacceptable. I have gotten calls from parents wondering if their child is down there unsupervised because you is at a hotel with a movie star. This is only temporary until everything gets cleared." She said then I hung up the phone.

I called Tay and she answered immediately.

"You good? I seen that shit on the internet." She said.

"Yea, have you talked to Lucas? He's mad but I really don't even know how to explain the situation without him still being mad." I said then tears came down my face. I been trying not to cry but this is too much. Something little is turning into something big. Close to losing the love of my life and my job all while I'm pregnant.

No, I haven't heard from him. He was supposed to be taking Trilla somewhere an hour ago since Trilla's car broke but we haven't seen him, he not even answering the phone." She said.

"Hopefully he don't do nothing stupid." I said with a sigh. "And then they suspended me from work. So basically after this trip, I might be jobless because I hung up on her ass." I said shaking my head.

"They suspended you for that?" She said raising her voice a lil.

"Yea, talking bout that's embarrassing and unacceptable." I said rolling my eyes. "But I'm finn have to go back in here. Imma call you when I get back to my hotel." I said then hung up the phone.

"You're getting suspended?" I heard Jessie behind me.

"Yup, but that's nothing to worry bout right now." I said giving her the fakest smile, I was completely torn in the inside. "And don't tell nobody." I added.

"Ok but why? What happened?" She questioned.

"Just rumors going around that I can't control." I said shrugging my shoulders.


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