Chapter 21 ||

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Jayda Pov:

Today is the first day, my students are actually stepping foot in Cielo Salon & Spa to work.

"Hello, girls!" The owner of the place said approaching us as we walked in. "My name is Jessica, the owner of this place." She said introducing herself. Everybody said their heys back.

"Okay how many of there are you?" She questioned looking at my students.

"There's 15." I said. I have 23 in my class but only 15 paid to come to the trip.

"Ok good, so I have 5 stations that I want you all to experience. And since y'all will be coming here for 5 days, you'll be able to work at one station per day." She said. "So can everybody get in pairs of 3? Then I will assign y'all a station?" She said and they did as said.


"Ooo this a fancy restaurant." Jessie said as we all walked in the restaurant. She's one of my new students, and I swear I love this girl. She's one of my good students, and full of positive vibes.

"Hey, I'm Ms. White." I told the host then we followed her to this big table that had enough seats for me and my students.

"There you go ma'am, your waitress will be right with you to hand you your menus and to take drink orders." The woman said.

"Thank you." I said with a smile then she walked off.

"So um, who paying for this?" Jayla said looking over at me.

"Lil girl, if you would've read your package. Your field trip fee paid for it." I said. "But y'all can't order nothing higher than 35$." I added.

"Jayda?" I heard a voice behind me say. My heart started beating fast as fuck because I know exactly who it is. I turned around and seen Jalen.

"I knew that was you because of how you sitting in that chair." He said with a chuckle walking up towards me with two security guards behind him.

"I know that's not Algee AKA Jalen." One of my students said.

"Aye ma, shhhh. Don't blow my cover." He said with a smile then looked at me.

"Hey Jalen." I said with a smile. My students made lil comments from here and there but it was ignored.

"Hey, I seen you coming out yo hotel room. I was gone speak but then I seen that baby bump. I don't want your hubby to get mad. But I can't just act like you invisible." He said with a smile.

"Well thanks for speaking Mr. Famous. I would've thought you was acting different because of your fame." I said then he took a seat in the empty seat at the table.

"Aye boys, I'm good." He said to his security guards and they walked off.

"Y'all don't mind me sitting here, right?" He said to my students but they was so happy that he was sitting there.

We all made lil conversations til it was finally time to go and my students actually conversated with him like he was a regular person, thank God.


"It was good catching up witcha, Jayda." Jalen said as he walked me to my hotel room. The fact that rode on the charter bus with us back to the hotel because he staying at this hotel as well.

"Yea, feelings are mutual." I said with a smile.

"Well lemme gone and head to bed. I might see ya around, if I don't. Good luck on your new journey." He said then looked at my belly. "I'll be back home soon, my number haven't changed." He said then walked off. My phone started ringing and it was Lucas.

"Hello?" I said answering the phone as I unlocked my hotel room door.

"Hey baby, what you doing?" He said like ain't shit happened. But I'm glad because I didn't feel like arguing.

"Just got back to my hotel room, what you doing?" I questioned sitting my stuff down.

"Missing you." He responded.

"Yea yea, I miss you too." I said.

"I'm sorry bout what I said the other night. I know that's my child, this is all just too much for me." He said sighing.

"It's okay. But I'm tired, Imma call you in the morning." I said.

"Ok, I love you." He responded.

"I love you too." I said then hung the phone up.


I woke up at 3 something in the morning to somebody knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" I groaned walking to the door.

"Jalen." He said on the other side of the door.

"It's 3 in the morning, what do you want?" I questioned as I opened the door wider. He handed me his phone but I was too sleepy to realize what's on the phone.

"What is you showing me?" I questioned.

"Look at it, Jayda." He said with a sigh. I finally came to my senses and realized that it was a picture of me and Jalen by my room door and the caption said "Lucas Coly's babymama spotted with Algee Smith 👀👀👀" on a paparazzi website.

"This just started a bunch of shit." I said shaking my head.

"My bad about all this, if you need me to clear shit up I will." He said then I shook my head no.

"Naw, I got it. You can go now before paparazzis start snapping more pics." I said rolling my eyes.

"Yea, iight." He said then left.

My Escape Part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora