Chapter 4 ||

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Jayda Pov:

"Ooo first day as a teacher." Tay said walking in my room. I decided to just move in with Tay & Talia since I'm putting money in this house as well hell and there was an extra room. Lucas been texting and calling me constantly but I'm not dealing with him, and he wanna do some stupid shit not caring about his family then fuck him.

"I look decent?" I questioned doing a spin.

"You look like the baddest teacher in there." She said then I let out a chuckle.

"Ok, I will see y'all later on. Make sure Talia don't forget to do her online classes." I said then we said our goodbyes then I left.


"Ok class, be quiet. I got somebody I need to introduce to you all." Mrs. Jefferson said who was the principal. She wasn't the principal when I was going to school here but oh well.

"This is Mrs. Coly who will be you guys teacher for now. I want you to be on your best behavior or you will be having to deal with me." She said then everybody said their 'ok's & 'yes ma'am's and then she left.

"So since it's my first day with you guys, I will start by introducing myself and you all can ask questions through out the time." I said.

"Ain't you Lucas' girl?" One of the boys said.

"Lucas' wife." I corrected him as I nodded my head.

"I love his music, he gone get somewhere if he keep up the work." One of the girls said.

"Hopefully he do." I said with a smile.

"I heard about your childhood struggle but it was only partial. Do you mind sharing?" Another girl questioned. Would it be appropriate to share? I mean my life is not a secret and it was the past. After a while of thinking, I finally decided too.

"I'm not gone give you guys the full story because it's a lot, but I will summarize it." I said. "My mother was on drugs, she had no money period. I had money because I was working at a local hair salon, so I did hair their once I got my hair license and paid the rent, paid all the people my mama owe and also had to pay my college fees. Of course I wasn't able to pay it all so I was way behind on my college fees. They let me stay but then they started getting on my case about it. So it was one day I had no money for my mother and so she asked my boyfriend and I snapped because you shouldn't ask my boyfriend for money for drugs. So my bestfriend end up walking in on the arguing and made me pack my stuff and move with her. So I did, I met Lucas that day at Chick Fil A and he paid for me and my bestfriend food. But we didn't make that much conversation til it was one day my boyfriend cheated on me and I went to the park and cried and cried and Lucas was there with his lil girl and sister. I ended up telling him my life story and he took me to church and he paid my college fees. I didn't know about the college fees because I started stripping and earned a lot of money but when I went to school the next day my professor was like my fees are paid off so of course I tried to pay Lucas back but he wouldn't take it. But we hung a lot as friends, my mama ended up in the hospital and I went up there with Lucas and she said she was going to get help. So me and Lucas along with another couple who was our friends went out of town for my birthday, Lucas paid. While we was down there my mama escaped from rehab. I wanted to go save her but I couldn't, when I got back down there my mama was at my bestfriend house. My bestfriend said she could stay there instead of telling her to go back to rehab so me and my bestfriend got into it over the situation and so I moved in with Lucas. While we was out of town for my birthday, on my actual birthday he asked me to be his girlfriend of course I said yes. So I stayed with him later he bought me my own hair salon because I was fired from the hair salon I was working at the day I left my mama house. And then I finds out my mama and ex bestfriend killed my ex bestfriend boyfriend sister and is sentenced prison for life. I couldn't save them, because they gotta face the consequences. And the only reason I'm here this day in this classroom is because of Lucas. He paid my college fees, bought me my own hair salon, and he even provided for my sister while she was pregnant. He bought her a car and through this all he still made sure his child was straight. And to return the favor I gave him a jump on a music career. That might not be much but that was his dream and I helped accomplished it." I said then I was surprised to get claps throughout the room.

"Y'all are meant for each other." One of the girls said.  That just made me want to call him right now and forgive him but I just can't. He making a wrong decision and I shouldn't have to baby him.

"Thank you, but anyways let me get to know y'all." I said changing the subject. "So we gone start with you." I said pointing at the girl in the front row first aisle.

"I want you to tell me your name and a little bit about you." I said. I know this shouldn't be hard because don't none of these students in this class look shy or act shy.


I walked in the house and Lucas was sitting on the couch watching tv.

I looked at him then looked at Tay & Talia then walked off to my room and locked my door behind me because I know his ass would be trynna bust in here soon as I sit down.

And just as I thought right when I sat on my bed to take off my shoes their was a knock at my door.

"Lucas get away from my door." I yelled out taking off my shoes.

"Lemme talk to you right quick." He said then I walked towards the door.

"Get the fuck away from my door because we already talked and yo ass already made your choice." I snapped.

"I changed my mind. I don't wanna lose you over some shit that I recovered from. Now can you open the door?" He said then I sighed heavily and opened the door.

"Just because you changed your mind doesn't change the fact that I'm still gone be mad because you really was making this shit a choice, it should never be a choice. Your one and only answer should've been not doing no stupid shit like that and then you said it was already planned like I was supposed to be okay with the sh-" I said then he cut me off.

"Are you gone let me talk?" He said shutting the door behind him.

"Talk." I said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"The only reason it was a choice was because I had to think about everybody reaction around me, everybody was stressing even my damn daughter and then what if I would've lost my life. Like the whole situation brings me so much anger like this dude knew I had a child and he tried to take my life." He said then I nodded my head.

"I get what you saying but going to get revenge is not the answer, hell you the one got him walking around free all you gotta do is tell the police what happened but nawl you wanna let him walk the streets. And if you would've went down there the shit would've ended up in 3 ways: you getting killed, you getting arrested, or neither but still having to deal with that guilt for the rest of your life." I said.

"I love how you care about me so much, I never got that from a girl other than my mama. I swear Jayda, I deadass love you. You my whole heart and more." He said grabbing my hand. All I could do was smile because he finally came to his senses.

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