Chapter 15 - Hello darkness my old friend

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“This is very sweet, baby. Thank you so much”, I said in my kindest voice and smiled amusedly at her choice of words. I opened the door of the room for her and looked at her to flash her my brightest grin. “Good luck for your meetings. I’m sure you’ll do great”, I said softly.

“Thank you. Try to enjoy. You have the whole house for yourself and thousands of activities at your disposal”, she said nicely.

“I’ll be fine”, I said nodding and got on my tiptoes to lift my body and reach Taylor’s lips. I dropped a light peck on them to avoid ruining her lipstick and gave her a teasing smack on the ass to make her move which we both found quite funny.

“You didn’t get enough?”, she asked between her cute giggles as she walked down the hall.

“I’ll never have enough of that ass”, I said very seriously while observing its shape and harmony.

I saw her shaking her head, probably in disbelief or embarrassment, and she started her way down the stairs without any other word. I frowned in disappointment and stepped out of the room to reach the edge of the staircase in order to watch her.

“Taylor”, I called loudly but cringed a little at the echo. That house was so big that it resonated.

“I forgot something?”, she asked as she spun her head to give me her attention.

“You look very beautiful and I love you”, I said softly. Considering her bright grin and the way her whole face lit up, she'd heard me well.

“I love you more”, she said and blew me a kiss before spinning around to basically run down the stairs. Shit, I didn’t want to make her late but I managed to hold her back anyway. I was the worst.

Well, now to prepare my little program. As I retreated to Taylor’s room, I thought about what I could and wanted to do. Work out for sure. Considering this bright sun I'd do it outside right after drinking my smoothie, that way I could hit the shower and maybe go buy a little gift for Taylor before she came back. Even flowers would be good.

I went straight to the closet and picked an outfit. I gathered my hair in a high bun, grabbed Max and made my way downstairs to go to the kitchen. Knowing Taylor, I knew that she had probably put the smoothie in a jar with a huge straw that she'd stored in the fridge. Bingo. It looked very green. Just what I needed to start my day. I drowned it all in a matter of two minutes and went directly outside to go enjoy this beautiful sun.

My whole work out session lasted an hour and a half. I increased the pace of my routine and added some exercises to try them out before repeating some complicated cheerleading tricks that I needed ready for when school started again. I didn't care if the season didn't start right away, I still set my tryouts and trainings early. There would be no time off except for the imposed holidays. If we wanted to be at our top level we couldn't waste any time.

I took a long shower that did me really good, put on shorts and a tank top and grabbed my purse to leave the house. It was only 10am, Taylor was probably arguing with some whiny shareholders or investors so I decided to prepare her a little surprise to cheer her up. As I entered the garage, I thought the easiest thing to do was to pick the car closest to the garage door which was a black Lambo. Knowing Taylor wouldn’t mind, I took the keys and climbed in before looking for my destination on my phone.

I found the location of a shopping mall ten minutes away so I buckled up, put my sunglasses on and rolled down the window before turning the radio on. On to discover Los Angeles. I stepped on the gas and there I was, driving around this place that I didn't know but was sending me such great vibes. Once I reached the shopping mall, I parked near the entrance to be sure the guards kept an eye on the car and made my way inside with my objective well precise in my head.

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