Episode 20: Drowning

Start from the beginning

Just as I was reaching out for the doorknob, Jimin stepped out of the farmhouse. He was wearing a loose-fitting white chemise held down by a brown waistband across his abdomen with beige cargo pants tucked into leather brown combat boots.

"Oh god, thank you! Jimin!" I breathed out in relief of seeing a familiar face. He broke into a warm smile. "I don't--", before I could finish he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up, spinning me around in a hug before he set me back down to the group and kissed my lips. My eyes widened with surprise at the amount of passion and lust he pressed into me before pulling back with a drunken smile.

"Good morning, dear." He whispered to me, pressing his forehead against mine and chuckled.

"Jimin, what the hell?" I scoffed and leaned away fearfully. What kind of twisted joke was this? His brows twitched up with surprise.

"What's the matter, Dalia?"


My blood grew cold.

I should've known. I should've recognized from the moment I saw him that this wasn't the real Jimin I knew. I looked around me again and back at our old-fashion attire. This wasn't the time period I even lived in.

"Let go of me." I pushed back, my heart thudded with anxiety as he looked at me with pure confusion. My vision spun into panic as I ran past him, rushing into the farmhouse. I looked around, scanning a small bed, a steaming plate of food prepared on a wooden table, and a small brick oven glued to the inner wall of the room.

When I turned back around, that's when I bumped into an angry looking V. Unlike how I knew it, his hair was dark brown rather than blonde.

"V!" This was probably the only time I'd feel happy to see him. If it was even really him. My happiness halted to a stop when I saw a tear spill down his furious face. The white puppy ran in, panting and barking.

"You...how could you..." he growled with anger.

A sharp pain sank into my chest. When I looked down I saw his arm buried into my chest. The dog's cries wouldn't cease. It kept barking, running up to V's leg, whining and barking. V's hand curled around my beating organ, and before I could do anything, he had already pulled my heart right out of my body.


When I woke up, this time, I was sinking in the black water again. For some reason, my eyes were brimming with tears. I blink them away feeling the rush of adrenaline knock into my heart once more. It was still there, thank god.

"Help!" I silently cried but I was too weak to try and fight against the water. My arms floated above my head as I lost the battle of keeping my eyes open, sinking in deeper.

Someone pulled me up. Their grip hardened against my wrist, dragging to the surface. I squinted my eyes open, trying to make out the shadow floating up ahead. When its face turned to me, white light slowly began to break from the top of the sea. I squinted hard and blinked twice. One moment I saw blond hair, the next it was brown. But I couldn't make out the face in time before he shoved me up to the surface.


I opened my eyes, taking in a lengthy and painful gasp. I coughed out, clutching my neck as if I could almost feel excess sea water still pooled into my airways.

Leyla sat in front of me, her face in distress, as the tattoos receded off her body. I could only make sense of two image, the horse and the cottage house, and then they rapidly disappeared into her palm. But before her grip could loosen away from mine a sudden chill overtook me. I squeeze her hand, grabbing it tightly before she could pull away.

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