Chapter 41: Jo Elma's POV

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I know this is crazy, but I feel as if I'm dead although I know I'm not. I wonder if Jason is still here. I wonder who all is waiting for me to wake up. I feel medicine going into my veins as I hear people talking about doing surgery on me before I go under again.

*After surgery (4 hours later)*

I start to hear voices around me, but I still can't see to open my eyes. At least it don't feel like I've got a trach in my throat. I feel the ventilator pumping air into my lungs to breathe and I try to build up the strength to move. I feel a hand holding mine and a voice sobbing. It sounds like..... Jason? He stayed? I force my eyes open and the lights blind me. I squeeze his hand and he looks uo at me in shock. He stands over me and rubs my cheek with tears streaming down his face. I feel so much pain that I could scream. I wanna say something, but I can't. I wanna tell him how much I love him and that I missed him. I wanna tell him that I'm sorry. My eyes fill with tears as I see Damien go and get a nurse. Jason wipes my tears away and kisses my forehead. Damien returns with the doctor and a nurse. They converse with Jason.

"She's able to come off the ventilator and go on oxygen at this point." the doctor says as the nurse removes the ventilator shit off of me and puts me on 8 liters of oxygen.

She takes the ventilator out of the room and I finally speak up in a hoarse voice.

"Jase, y-you stayed with m-me?" I ask him weakly as I reach for him.

He runs over to me, grabs my hands and sits on the bed beside me. He rubs small circles on my hands with his thumbs.

"Baby, I'm so so sorry! I'm sorry for putting you through this! I'm so glad you fought it. No words can describe how sorry I truly am." he says to me as he sobs beside me making me tear up.

"No, babygirl, don't cry! This isn't your fault." he says to me as he teies wiping my tears away.

"I feel like it is though! None of this would've happened if I would've listened. I'm so sorry, Jason!" I say as I sob silently.

He picks me up and sets me on his lap and rubs small circles on my back as we sob together. All the others join in and comfort Jason and I.

"I'm glad you saved me, babygirl! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to get him off of me. I just wish I would've been able to save you from this. I'm so sorry!" he says to me with teary eyes.

"It's okay, baby! I still love you! You'll always be mine, right?" I say to him with a small smile.

He smiles back and looks me in the eyes. Our foreheads touch as we look at each other with desire. Everyone backs away and gives us space. Then our lips touch and this kiss is unlike any other that we've shared. We break away as I get breathless.

"Always and forever, babygirl!" he says to me as he kisses me again.

Our friends say they'll see us when we come back to NYC. We all say our goodbyes and they leave. He kisses me deeply until the doctor comes in. He smiles and tells me I'll be going to room 667, which is Amy's floor. I cheer in excitement and Jason chuckles. Transport comes in and takes me upstairs.

"Stephen Jones will get what's coming to him!" I say to Jason, smiling evilly.

He giggles at me and kisses my cheek, which in turn makes me blush. He loves it when he makes me blush. He is everything I could ever wish for.

"I wanna visit a good friend of mine on my way back home. Her name is Lexy! She lives here in Pensacola. She's awesome." I say as he smiles at me.

"I can arrange that and I called your mom so she's on her way." he says to me.

"Okie dokie!" I say as I'm wheeled into my room.

We talk about everything I missed as we wait on my mama. She finally comes in and cries as she runs to me and hugs me. All three of us catch up as we wait to see the doctor.

You will pay for this, Stephen, I think to myself.

"Whatcha thinking about?" my mama asks.

"About how much I wanna kill Stephen Jones for doing this to me!" I say to her.

"I know, right?" Jason says to us.

We all nod in response. After a few minutes my mama leaves and I decide to try to sleep off the anaesthesia.

"I'm gonna get some sleep, Jase!" I say to him as he lays me in the bed.

He kisses me and gets in the cot he brought in.

"Goodnight, babygirl!" he says to me.

"Goodnight, babe!" I say to him before my world goes black.

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