Chapter 40: Jason's POV

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Transport leads the way to a set of elevators. I get out of the wheelchair and hobble over with everyone. We get to the third floor and I'm told to sit in the room with Jo Elma. I nod and tell my friends to wait in the waiting room. They scurry into the waiting room as I'm following the transport person to a pre-op room. We finally go to pre op room 10 and I sit in the chair beside her and hold her hand. A nurse walks in and preps her for surgery. All of the team of surgeons and doctor came in and set up everything.

"Hi, is this Kathryn?" the doctor asks me.

"Yes sir it is!" I tell him with a smile.

"We are gonna go ahead and prep her for surgery. Her surgery isn't till 6 am!" the doctors tells me.

"Okay!" I say to him as he exits the room.

I check my phone and see that it's 4:30 am. I rub her hand and try to reassure myself that everything will be fine. It's really hard for me to see the love of my life like this. I wish this would've never happened. But I'm thankful that she saved me at the same time. She fought back in self defense. I'm gonna steadily teach her how to defend herself better to where this don't happen again. I start thinking of a revenge plan and I grab my phone. I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I say loudly.

As the doctor enters, I feel Jo Elma's hand twitch. I look at her, shocked.

"Do it again, baby!" I say in a hopeful voice.

Her hand twitches again and the doctor looks at me with a look of hope.

"We are ready to take her to the back for surgery." he says to me with a glint of hope still in his eyes.

I nod and hug her and say goodbye before I leave the room. I walk down to the waiting room to where my friends are. I smile as I sit with them.

"What happened in there? Why are you smiling?" Lil Twist asks me.

"Her hand twitched in mine. She's gonna make it. She is fighting this really hard. My babygirl is gonna make it." I say as I start crying tears of joy.

"Well now we gotta wait and see what happens. We also got a plan to make. You hungry at all, Jason?" Natalie says to me.

We all cheer in unison for food. Damien stays behind to hear for when Jo Elma's surgery is over. We head to Subway and order our food and head back up to the waiting room.

"So, this plan! What are we doing exactly?" Chad asks me quietly.

"Yeah!" Everyone quietly says to me in unison.

I tell them the plan and they take notes on their positions. We get done eating and continue talking about the plan.

"This is once he gets out, just an FYI, guys, okay?" I say to everyone.

They nod and we begin waiting the longest and hardest wait of our lives.

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