Chapter 38: Jason's POV

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I feel myself wake up to being shaken awake by someone. My eyes flutter open to see a doctor smiling and gently waking me up. I weakly smile and yawn. I look down to see a cast on my whole right arm and on my left foot. I look at the doctor as she starts talking.

"Good to see you awake, Mr. McCann! I have your results back from all of your tests. We got your urine also so no worries. You were fast asleep when we got it. It came back normal along with your bloodwork. You just have a broken arm and foot. You are free to go once we get you a crutch. Kathryn is in room 416 on the fourth floor. I hope you feel better and have a nice night. The nurse will be in with your discharge papers soon. Also, be sure to get a sticker before you go to her room, alright?" she says to me as she walks to the door.

"Thank you so much, doctor! I will!" I say to her as I wait for the nurse.

My nurse, a really young gentleman, comes in and helps me get changed into my clothes and hands me my discharge papers as I sign his copy.

"Have a nice night and here's your crutch." he says to me as he hands the crutch to me.

"Thanks you too!" I say as I exit the room and head to the main lobby.

It takes me 5 minutes to get to the main lobby, but I make it there and pull out my ID when I reach the desk.

"Jason McCann to stay with Kathryn Taylor room 416?" I say to the lady at the desk.

She smiles and takes my ID and tells me to stand in front of the camera. I do as I'm instructed and I'm handed my sticker pass. I thank her and put the sticker on my shirt as I head to Elevator C. I had to ask where to go and security told me thankfully. About 3 minutes later, I make it to the correct set of elevators and I press the up button. The elevator to the left opens and I hop in and press the button for the fourth floor. When I reach the fourth floor, I hop out and look at the sign. I turn left then right and go to the nurse's station. I ask for room 416 and the nurse points to the very end of the hall and tells me its the last room to the left. I thank her and hop down the hall on my crutch until the number 416 becomes visible. As I'm about to enter, I'm tapped on the shoulder. I turn to see an older female nurse.

"Yes ma'am?" I ask her.

"If you notice any problems with her heart rate or her breathing, call us please, sir, alright? Also, she's having a blood transfusion as we speak. She is still unconcious and the doctor told me he would talk to you about her condition tomorrow morning. I was told you would be arriving, Mr. McCann! Also do not hesitate to call for food or anything. We are here!" she tells me with a sympathetic look.

"Yes ma'am I will and thank you!" I tell her as I turn to walk into Jo Elma's room.

As soon as I walk in, I'm completely shattered. It's as if my heart breaks into several tiny millions fucking pieces. I hear a knock at the door and it's a nurse with a cot. He brings it in and checks on Jo Elma.

"I'm her nurse for tonight. I'm Mr. Johnathan. Please call if you need anything." he says to me as he sets up the cot with two pillows and a blanket.

"Th-thank you!" I say as I tear up.

He nods and walks out of the room. I go to my cot and sit down. I stare up at Jo Elma and look at the tubes in her arm. One has blood and one has saline running through it. I check her heart moniter and her oxygen levels are 82 and her heart rate is 110. I see that she's on 8 liters of oxygen and still hanging on. I take her small hand in mine and start crying quietly.

"I'm so sorry, babygirl! So so sorry! I love you so much it hurts. I tried to get up to help you when you defended me and couldn't and I'm so fucking sorry! Please don't leave me, Jo Elma! PLEASE?!" I sob onto her blanket as I gently squeeze her hand.

I see her breathing falter and I call the nurse's station.

"How can I help you?" the nurse asks.

"Kathryn isn't breathing right and her oxygen is low. She looks in distress. Please help?" I cry as I say this to the nurse.

"On my way right now, sir!" the nurse says alarmingly and they hang up.

Seconds later two nurses rush in and increase her oxygen and say the words I did not wanna hear.

"We have to call Rapid Response NOW! She's not going to make it!" the nurse, Mr. Johnathan, says in alarm and worry.

"N-NOOOO SHE CANNOT LEAVE ME!" I scream as they call in Rapid Response.

It's announced over the speakers that Rapid Response is needed in room 416 and I'm standing by her sobbing like crazy.


Rapid Response comes in and checks Jo Elma. The nurse, Mr. Johnathan, walks in and they look at him and he nods, grabbing his phone. He calls someone, the doctor I assume, and he tells them the situation. He thanks them and hangs up.

"The doctor is coming to speak with you while we get a PCU room for her. Is that alright, sir?" he asks me.

I nod silently as a woman rushes in.

"Hi I'm Dr. Doyle! I'm one of the residents. Her condition is not very good. Her mediport is being replaced in the morning and the person who did this to her gave her several internal injuries. She has a puntured lung from a rib breaking and puncturing it, which we're fixing along with brain damage that could alter her memory. We are going to have to put her on a ventilator and intubate her until she's stable. She also has pnuemonia. Common for Cystic Fibrosis patients. We are treating her with Vancomycin, Zosyn, and Invanz. All high powered antibiotics that will treat what she's got growing in her lungs. I'm so sorry, Mr. McCann!" she says to me as she trys to comfort me by patting my back.

"Thank you, doctor! Do you know if she'll make it? I just really don't wanna lose her. She means so much to me. If I could've helped her and not been weak and hurting, I would've in a fucking heartbeat. I feel horrible!" I tell her as tears fall down my face.

"Right now, the chances are very slim of her surviving unless she has these surgeries. Until then, she'll be on the brink of death." she says to me.

At those words, I feel as if my world is falling apart from the seams. I thank her again as she leaves the room. I will definitely kill this fucker now. He's so in for a rude wake up call. Transport comes in with a wheelchair for me as they prep Jo Elma to go to her new room. I sit in the wheelchair and they ask if I'm ready to go. I give them a thumbs up as we head to her PCU room. We finally arrive at PCU room 12 as they rush us both in. I'm met by a young female nurse bringing in a cot for me to sleep on.

"Hi there! My name is Jessie and I'll be taking care of her tonight. If you need anything, just call. I'll be back to set up her ventilator and intubate her in just a minute. Also to check her vitals and everything." she says as she sets up the cot with three pillows and two warm blankets.

"Thank you so much, ma'am!" I say as I limp over to the cot and once she's done setting it up and walks out of the room, I sit on it and lay down.

She comes back with the ventilator machine and sets Jo Elma up on it then intubates her. She tells me that Jo Elma will be wheeled into surgery at 5 am. I thank her as she walks back out to get a vital machine. She comes back and checks her vitals and they look awful. Her blood pressure is 70/35, her pulse is 140, and her oxygen level is 77%! I look down and try to hold back my tears, but they come and flow down my cheeks. She really is in rough condition. The nurse tells me again to call if I need anything and I thank her. She nods and exits the room, leaving me and Jo Elma. I whisper goodnight to Jo Elma and tuck myself into my cot. I think about tomorrow as I drift off and into blackness.

Goodnight, world, and Jo Elma, don't die, I think before my world goes completely black.

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