Chapter 35: Jason's POV

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We stop on the way to this Stephen's house, who chose to leave her malnourished. I'm so pissed off about that. But anyway, we stop at Sonic and grab something to eat.

"What do you want to eat, my beautiful queen?" I ask her as I pull out my wallet.

"I want the Bacon Double Cheeseburger with Chili Cheese Fries and a Root Beer and can I please have a Hot Fudge Sundae?" she asks me with a small pout.

"Of course, babygirl!" I say to her with a smile.

I press the button to order. As I wait for them to answer, I pull out my credit card. A waiter answers.

"Hello and welcome to Sonic! What would you like today?" the waiter says.

"I would like a Bacon Double Cheeseburger combo with chili cheese fries and a root beer medium sized and A 5 piece tender combo meal with chili cheese fries and a cola medium sized also with two hot fudge sundaes please?" I tell the waiter on the other end.

"You said a medium bacon double combo with chili cheese fries and root beer and a medium 5 piece tender combo meal with chili cheese fries and a cola with two hot fudge sundaes? Is that correct, sir?" the waiter asks me.

"Yes that is correct!" I respond back.

"That'll be $27.85, sir!" the waiter says to me.

"It'll be paid with my debit card." I say back.

"Someone will be out to get it. Your order will be ready in about 15 minutes." the waiter tells me.

"Thank you so much!" I tell him as I see a waitress come out and skate toward the car.

"I'll take you card and I'll be right back!" she says as I hand her my card.

She skates back to the kitchen area and a minute later she's back with my card. I thank her as she turns to skate back toward the kitchen again. As we wait for our order, I start up a conversation to see if she wants to tell me anything that I need to be aware of from this boy, Stephen.

"Hey baby? I got a few questions to ask about this ex we're going to see. Is that okay?" I ask her as I turn to look at her.

She turns to look at me and slowly nods her head, looking sad. I grab her hand and gently squeeze it to reassure her that I'm right here. She sighs and looks up at me with sad eyes.

"It's okay babygirl I'm right here and I always will be. I won't let him do anything to you. I promise!" I say to her as I see a tear slide down her face.

I reach over and unbuckle her, then pull her in my lap and hold her close. She grabs fistfuls of my shirt and hides her face in my neck. She snuggles against me and then finally speaks.

"Okay! You can ask me now!" she says, her voice cracking.

"Okay and please be honest with me, alright?" I ask her.

"I promise I'll be straightforward with you, Jase!" she tells me as she look at me and smiles.

"Okay then! First question: Was he ever rude to you and your mother?" I ask her boldly.

"Yes he was always rude to me but he knew better around my mama. She gave him a piece of her mind too!" she says to me.

"Okay did he ever put his hands on you or try to harm you in any way?" I ask as she jumps at my question.

She hides her face again and hugs me tightly. I can tell that it's fear she's showing so he must've hurt her. I hear her sniffle and I feel her tears hit my skin. I hold her tight and rub her back in small circles to try and calm her down.

"Y-yes h-h-he did h-hurt me and I p-p-prom-mised th-that I w-wouldn't t-t-tell anyone. Pl-please don't let him hurt me. Please?" she begs and she breaks down crying.

"I swear to God if he does he's dead right there on the spot, I can promise you that babygirl. He will never hurt you again. Nor will he attempt to kill you again. I see our order being brought out. You still hungry, sweetie?" I say to her as she looks up to see the waitress bringing our food.

She smiles and nods as she wipes her face. The waitress hands me our bags first then our drinks and sundaes. The waitress tells us to enjoy and skates back to the kitchen. I gently sit Jo Elma back in her seat and she smiles and makes grabbie hands for her sundae.

"Uh uh not until you eat your lunch!" I say to her as I grab the bags to see which is which.

She checks the drinks and gives me one.

"This one is the cola so its yours." she tells me as I take it from her and set it in my cupholder.

She does the same with her drink and she digs for her fries and digs in. I dig in my bag for my fries and do the same as I crank the car. I set my GPS back to Stephen's address and back out. I put the car in drive and we head out again.

"Did they put the silverware in your bag babe?" she asks me.

"You can check and see, baby!" I tell her as I hand her my bag.

She digs through and finds the silverware. She grabs a pack and opens it for the fork to eat her fries. About 15 minutes later we arrive at the road right over the bridge that I have to turn on.

"Tell me which way to turn, okay?" I ask her.

She points and indicates that this is the turn. I turn on the path and it leads to another house.

"Are you sure this is it love?" I ask her as I look over to see her nodding her head really fast.

I turn off the car and quickly eat my food. She does the same and we look at each other and smile. I unbuckle and get out of the car to go around to her side and I let her out. I shut her door and grab her hand tight as we head to the front door of our first victim.

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