Chapter 11: Jason's POV

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"You'll find out soon enough." I tell her, looking deep into her eyes.

"Oh okay. I guess I'll figure it out then. I'll keep guessing hahahaha." Jo Elma says to me, smiling a bright smile.

She goes upstairs to get ready. While she's upstairs, I hear a knock on the door. I open the door to the girls. I invite them in and they go sit on the couch, waiting for Jo Elma.

"Sooooo, Jason, is she beautiful as fucking hell?" asks Chantelle with curiosity.

"Well yeah!! To me, she is marvelously beautiful. But I guess I'll let you see for yourself." I say to her.

I hear Jo Elma come downstairs. I look up at her and I'm in awe. Even though she's wearing just sweat pants, a T shirt, and some gray high tops, she looked very sexy. She looks up at me and giggles.

"Take a picture, Jason. It sure does last a lot longer." she says to me, still giggling.

All the girls burst into laughter as I feel my mouth hanging open. I quickly close my mouth and shake my head. I laugh a little bit. She's perfect to me and for me. Lord has granted me her presence. I will love her till the end of time. I start thinking about how me and the boys are gonna set up her next present here at my house. I was gonna get her a few game systems, a new phone, and something nice. I don't know what nice thing though. I know she loves skulls. I might get her a diamond skull necklace. My thoughts are interrupted by another knock at the door. I open it and see the boys here.

"Hey, bruh, wassup?" Lil Twist says as we bro hug.

"Not much, man. Just thinking about what else I'm gonna get for Jo Elma." I tell him nervously.

I hear the girls get up and start heading this way. Jo Elma looks at me and smiles a little bit. I smile back at her. She is the most beautiful girl in this entire world to me. I hope that when I ask her to date me, she will say yes. I've been thinking about her so much now that it would hurt me to let her get away from me. I don't want her to ever leave my side. I look up at the boys and I blurt out the weirdest thing.

"I think I'm gonna get laid sometime." I blurt out suddenly.

Everyone starts laughing at me, even Jo Elma. She is laughing the hardest. Ugh god dammit. Why did I fucking say that?

"Is that so, Jason?" Jo Elma asks me with a humorous tone.

"I, uhhh, well, uhhh, I don't know. Maybe!!" I say to her, still a bit embarrassed.

She winks at me as her and the girls start to Natalie's car. I watch them as they leave. As soon as they leave out of sight, I look over at the boys.

"So, umm, Jason, when are we getting started with all the shopping?" Damien asks me.

"Hang on. I gotta make reservations at La Grenouille first." I tell him with a sigh.

I call the restaurant and make reservations. As soon as I'm done, I hang up the phone and smile. I look over to Damien and nod.

"Let's do this, guys!!" I tell them with excitement.

As we get ready to leave, I start thinking about the skull necklace idea. I'm gonna get it for her. It's gonna have obsidian eyes and the rest is gonna be made out of diamonds and silver. Silver chain as well. I'm also gonna get her a nice bracelet and earrings with the same skull. This is how I'm gonna convince her to hopefully say yes.

"So, where do you wanna go first, Jason? Jewelry store, clothing shops, where, man?" Damien asks me.

I think on it for a minute and then it hits me.

"The jewelry store first." I say to him with confidence.

"Ight man." he says to me.

We get the van and head to the jewelry store. I really hope she says yes.

Please say yes, babygirl, I thought to myself as we were driving to the jewelry store.

We arrive at the jewelry store. I get out by myself and go up to the jeweler.

"Hello, sir, what can I do for you today?" he asks me.

"I would like to get a necklace, bracelet, and earring set. A skull with obsidian eyes and diamonds for the rest of the skull. I want it to be on silver with a silver chain for the necklace. The ring size is a size 2. Will you be able to get it done by 7:30 pm?" I say to him.

"Yes, of course. That will be $650, sir." he says to me.

I pay him the money and thank him. He asks for my phone number so that way he can call me when it's done. I give my phone number to him and smile a genuine smile at him. I go back to the van.

"So, to clothing stores now?" asks Ryan with curiosity.

"Yeah. Let's go." I say to them.

We pull out of the jewelry store parking lot and head out again.

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