40: Kasey Afolabi

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Kasey Afolabi (Drummer of Blonde Ivory)

"Hayden," I call out into the cold and airy living room. The source of the temperature was the fact that the curtains were open and the window itself was up halfway. The only thing bringing light into the room is the one singular street lamp right outside. "I'm sorry about Macha being an annoying little twat! I've heard it's a symptom of pregnancy!" I walk farther down the hall, closer to her bedroom where her door is shut with no light coming from behind it.

I rap my knuckles against the door. She might be sleeping, but it's worth a shot. "We all understand and support you, Hayden! It's just that we're all feeling a little bit of pressure. We all say things we don't mean!" The only response is silence.

I twist the handle, but it doesn't budge. She's locked it. Alfonso stops beside me and looks up at me with a raised eyebrow. My heart begins pounding in my ears. I jiggle the handle, and begin banging on the door with my fist and with more force.

"Come out, Hayden! We can talk about this!" I beg. My voice cracks at the sheer volume it reaches.

"Maybe she really doesn't want us to come in," Alfonso suggests. From how unsure his voice sounds, I know he doesn't truly believe that.

This makes the anxiety bubbling up in my stomach reach a pivoting point. We stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds before we both turn back to the door and begin banging on it as hard as we can. The door groans under the force.

"Hayden!" We both shout in unison.

I hear a knock echo from outside. "Hayden?" I ask quizzically. The sound of a door opening surprises me considering it's not the door to Hayden's room.

"Hayden?" I ask again.

Alfonso grabs my arm, and I look at him. He's facing the other way, where at the end of the hallway is the silhouette of a man. My heart pounds harder in my ears. At times like this, it would pay to be dating a masculine man who isn't shorter than you are.

"It's Connor. I can't see anything," The man speaks. Both Alfonso and I relax only slightly. I turn back to face her bedroom door as I hear Connor's footsteps walk toward us. "What's going on?"

I shake my head and jiggle the handle again. "The door's locked, and she isn't responding." This peaks his interest. He freezes in his spot for a second before he shoves past me, grabs the handle, and leans against the door.

"Am I allowed to break it?" He asks. I look between him and Alfonso before nodding slowly.

At my permission, he backs up slightly and rams into the door with his shoulder. It doesn't budge. He does it again. Just as quick as I blink my eyes, he's busted the door off its hinges and is standing in the middle of Hayden's room.

"She's not here." I raise an eyebrow as he says this.

"She has to be here. It locks from the inside," I mutter, "Look everywhere. In the closets and under her bed. I don't know." Connor shushes me. I raise an eyebrow, and he raises his finger to his lip.

"Do you hear that?" Before I can ask what he's talking about, the sound of running water coming from her bathroom fills the empty room.

Connor walks over to the door and looks down. He lifts his feet up and down a few times before he turns back to me. "The floor is wet." He whispers. I wrap my arms around my body.

This layout is too familiar. Images of London are flashing in my mind. Tears begin running down my cheeks before I can stop them. Connor takes it upon himself to attempt busting down this door as well. The water must've made this task harder because it takes him three attempts instead of two.

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