4: Kasey Afolabi

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Kasey Afolabi (Drummer of Blonde Ivory)

"Another one." I demand, and the bartender slams another shot of vodka in front of me. Without looking up or taking another breath, I down it. The familiar burning sensation makes its way down my throat, and I ignore the intense smell of alcohol. Vodka isn't my favorite, but I didn't come out to have a good time anyways.

It's a weird game I like to play as self-punishment. Cause myself a pain addicting enough that'll make me want more. Drinking vodka is one that I've become quite fond of since we went on tour. Those boys in Firelight Moon know how to hold their alcohol, not to mention that they never fail to go directly for the hard stuff. Except for Alfonso. He couldn't drink water without gagging. Regardless, I'm a fan of pain. Especially fun pain. Like drinking Vodka or pressing down on a sensitive bruise. I love the pain that makes your mouth water and crave more and more. It's weird, but I can't help it.

"Another," I call out, and when a refill isn't set down in front of me, I glance up at the bartender. "I said 'Another'," I repeat myself through clenched teeth.

He shakes his head, taking all my empty shot glasses off the bar and wiping up the minimal mess that I made. "I'm cutting you off." He says simply, and bites his small bottom lip.

"This a party. I'm allowed to drink as much as I want." I sneer, and he shakes his head carelessly. He continues wiping my mess, refusing to make eye contact with me.

"Your I.D. says otherwise. Walk away from the bar before the cops get here and take you home to your mother." He demands. I stay seated for a few seconds more, his words taking a while to settle within my intoxicated mind.

I scoff and stand up, leaning against the bar for support. How did he even find out? It's not like I'm one of those inexperienced teenage drinkers, I didn't come in here showing everyone my fake I.D.

"Whatever." I pretend to act unfazed even though I totally am. I'm sure he sees right through it, right through me, especially considering he's been able to pick up on my act since we went on tour with him and Firelight Moon. The very minute I turn and walk away from the bar, I come face to face with Alfonso Rodriguez, guitarist for Firelight Moon. What a surprise.

"Akacia Afolabi? At a party hosted by Firelight Moon? Paint me surprised." He cracks an artificially whitened smile.

"1. You know I go by Kasey. 2. You guys hosted this party to celebrate the signing of our contract. 3. I go wherever the alcohol takes me." He cringes at the word 'alcohol'. That doesn't surprise me either. The kid is a total lightweight. After one drink, he'd probably consider sleeping with a girl- which is so unlike him.

"Yes, I'm well-aware of all these things." He frowns, "Tell me if I'm wrong, though. The last time we saw each other, excluding the meeting with Mark, you said that you never wanted to see me or any of my bandmates again." I don't say anything for a moment. Instead, I glare into his dark-brown, mischievous eyes.

"You'd be correct, but tell me if I'm wrong. The last time we saw each other, excluding the meeting with Mark, you called me a 'special little snowflake' because you didn't believe that my sexuality existed." I cross my arms, and he shakes his head with a light laugh.

"You'd also be correct, but come on, Akacia. Asexuality? That is so plants." He smiles, and I stare down at him with narrowed eyes. "Besides, you can't tell me that you didn't feel something every time you saw me shirtless on tour."

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