Chapter 18

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Thanks so much for over 300 reads aaa
Have a sad yet good song to listen to as well

~Virgil's PoV~

"...and I was in pitch black, then woke up here." Patton finished. He still lay on Virgil's lap, his hands gripping onto the anxious Side's hoodie sleeve.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you, Patton..." Virgil said softly. Internally, he was furious. He's going to murder Algos and Phoebus. Patton nuzzled closer to Virgil.

" you know what happened to Logan and Roman?" Patton asked.

Virgil tensed. "Well..."

"What is it? Is something wrong? What happened to them?" Patton's eyes widened with worry.

Virgil hesitated before finally speaking. "Logan's fine. But Roman..."

Patton stared at Virgil. "What happened to my son."

Virgil winced. "Phoebus was about to kill me...and he jumped in to block him." He admitted.

Patton sat up straight. "No! He's not dead, is he??"

Virgil sighed. "He wasn't when I last saw him...Logan's trying his best to help him."

Patton's eyes still glittered with worry. "This is all my fault..." he muttered.

"What do you mean? If it's anyone's fault, it's mine. I let Roman sacrifice himself for me." Virgil said, gripping Patton's wrists. He leaned forward to press his forehead against his.

Patton had tears forming in the corner of his eyes. "I wish things were normal like they were before." He whispered. Virgil tilted his head up and kissed him gently.

"Don't worry, I'm going to keep you safe. We'll finish this and get things to the way they were before." He responded.

Just like the dream before the wind began to pick up. Patton stumbled backwards. "No! The dreams going to end." He gazed at Virgil with panic.

"I can't go back...the pain..." he cried. "I don't want to feel the pain again. Please, don't let me go back."

Virgil's heart felt like it shattered. "I'm sorry Patton I'm going to make sure you'll get better I promise!"

Silent tears ran down Patton's cheeks. "Please..." he whispered, fading away. 

Virgil's head began to pound and he felt nauseous. The world began to dim until it turned black, and a bit later as if someone flicked on a light switch the world turned back on.

Virgil could see him and Patton as if he's having an 'out-of-body' kind of experience. But he recognized this place. Is this a memory of mine?

He saw Patton grinning, holding something behind his back.

"What are you holding?" The other Virgil asked, looking up from his phone.

"I got something for youuu." Patton sang.

The other Virgil sat up. "What is it? Show me!" He complained, grinning.

"Bam!" Patton pulled out the dark rose, a huge grin on his face. He placed it in the other Virgil's hand.

"Wow...this is beautiful." He said with awe. "Where did you find it?"

"I've been growing some special plants and flowers and stuff." Patton explained proudly. "Away from the main garden. And when these roses bloomed I thought you would like it."

The other Virgil smiled. "Thank you so much. It's almost as dark as my soul."

Patton elbowed him lightly. "Talk badly about yourself and I will physically fight you!" He warned jokingly.

Virgil lifted up the rose to observe it. It looked black at a first glance, but looking at it carefully it was really a dark midnight blue with hints of dark purple.

"Wanna know a legend behind it?" Patton asked. "I read about it after looking up about the plant." Virgil nodded. "It said that long ago, hundreds of years ago, the plant was used as for healing. It said that the petals have special powers in them that can heal any wound.

Kind of a nice metaphor, if you think about it. It may seem dark and evil-looking, but in reality it's beautiful and important for everyone."

Why am I seeing this memory out of all my other memories? Virgil thought. Then it clicked. He had brought the flower with him for good luck. And it truly will give him the luck he needs to save Patton-

Virgil sat up with a gasp, sweat dripping down his face. His first thought was Patton.

Patton's skin was terrifyingly pale and his lips were tinted blue from the lack of blood. But he could still see his chest rising and falling faintly.

Using that to give him hope, Virgil pulled out the rose. He gazed at it, bitterly remembering how blissful and happy the time was when he first received it. Virgil ripped off a couple petals and chewed them into a paste.

He gently smudged it on the stab wound on Patton's arm. Virgil held his breath, waiting.

Slowly, the dark mush sunk into the wound, spreading across it. Patton's wound turned dark, then glowed dimly and when Virgil looked at it again, it had healed leaving a faint scar.

Virgil knew he had to use the paste wisely and he made sure to use as little as possible on all the small cuts Patton had as well as his other big wound. 

He handed the remaining petals to Logan who muttered something under his breath like "ok, fine. Throw logic figuratively out the window with the healing flowers."

Virgil made sure that Patton's wounds have healed before he joined Logan next to Roman who was unconscious on the ground.

"The sword is keeping the wound from turning fatal by holding in the blood." Logan explained. "But once we take out the sword the bleeding is going to pour out quickly. Put the paste on right away and hopefully the wound will heal as soon as possible."  

Virgil nodded grimly. Logan inhaled, gripping the edge of the sword. They exchanged a look, and Logan smoothly but quickly pulled out the sword, wincing.

Roman sat up awake and started to scream with pain and the second the sword was pulled out Virgil put the crushed rose petals on the wound, some falling inside it making Roman cry in pain.

He soon passed out from the pain and Logan and Virgil sat in silence, waiting. Slowly, slower than Patton but still working the paste sunk into the wound and new skin grew over the puncture and healed leaving a big dark scar.

Logan sighed with relief, wiping sweat off his brow. "How did you figure out the rose would heal wounds?" He asked.

"I-I just remembered a legend about it that Patton told me when he first gave it to me." Virgil responded.

Logan nodded, intrigued. "If there are more still growing I would like to study them to gain further information about them."

Virgil noticed Phoebus was still asleep, and his face was strained showing an expression he couldn't recognize.

"Virgil...?" A raspy voice called. Virgil turned to see Patton sit up slowly, rubbing his head.

"Ow, what happened? I remembered fainting, being in the dream and..." he gazed down at his arm. "Wait! What happened to the cut? Am I dreaming again?"

Virgil hugged him tightly. "No, you're awake. And it's thanks to you! The rose you give me...remember what you told me about it?"

Patton gave him a puzzled look. "You mean the legend about its healing powers? Are you telling me it's true?"

Virgil kissed Patton's forehead. "Yes. And thanks to you, you and Roman are going to live."

Patton smiled at him. Virgil missed seeing his smile. "We should probably get out of here." He said.

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