Chapter 9

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Oh my gosh thank you so much for 100 reads?? Like aaaaaaaaa?? It means so much thank you for being satisfied with this story so far yaaaay

~???'s PoV~

The figure scowled at the sight of the four. Three of them still had darkness dripping from their minds. He turned away from them and made his way outside the Mind Palace and back to his...home? Prison? Something like the two.

He tore off the cape once he got outside, his full coloured vision returning. The cape kept him nearly invisible and dark like a shadow, but took away some of his vision in return.

"I heard it went wonderfully." Greeted one of them smoothly.

He glared at him. "Yes, it did start off badly, Deceit. And it would've stayed that way if it wasn't for some STUPID people."

Deceit narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean, Phoebus?"

The Side of fears and nightmares growled. "You know which two I mean. They found them too soon and were able to save them. All the planning and work for nothing!"

"Not everything. They still are sure, aren't they?" Deceit asked.

Phoebus sighed and pushed past him, walking deeper into the cave. "Yes. They still are doubtful. But if we don't do something we'll have no chance of regaining our full powers."

The lying Side fell silent, lost in thought.

"How about we kidnap one of them and threaten to kill him if they don't listen to us and finish by killing them all??" Chimed in (with a haven't you people ever heard of) the third figure who popped out of nowhere.

Deceit jumped and scowled at him. "Shut up, Algos. That's a brilliant idea."

The irrational Side bared his teeth at Deceit and Phoebus stepped between the two before they fight again.

Actually...that could be useful... "Algos might have a point, for once." He stated, making sure they both were listening. "If we kidnapped one of them, but used them as a bargaining chip instead. We can make them obey us and take their spot if they want whoever we kidnapped alive!"

Algos grinned. "See? I can help."

"Commonly." Deceit scoffed.

"Shut up!" Phoebus roared. Idiots! Fighting like infants. "We need to actually act intelligently right now. Who do we kidnap?"

There was some silence as they all thought.

"Well, isn't it hard?" Deceit said dryly. "That always sad guy. The slightly annoying one."

Phoebus realized who he was talking about. "I knew that, I was just waiting for you guys to realize as well." He stated.

Deceit rolled his eyes and Phoebus managed to contain his anger.

"Wait, who?" Algos asked, not catching on. Deceit hissed the name at him and he nodded quickly.

"When should we do it?" He asked. Phoebus paused to think.

"Give them a few days. We should hit when they least expect it." He decided, an evil smirk growing on his face. "It's a great plan. No way can it go wrong."

"Yeah, no way." Deceit said sarcastically. Phoebus glared at him and then disappeared into the cave, leaving the two morons behind.

I'm going to make sure. He thought. I'll make sure nothing can stop them from letting this happen. It'll be fun to see them crawling on their knees begging.

Phoebus interlocked his hands behind his back and stared at his most prized possession. Neatly organized on top of rows and rows of shelves were hundreds of jars. But these weren't ordinary jars, no. Each was glowing and had a dark aura around them.

These contain the memories of everyone in Imagination's worst fear. They could be fears such as a phobia, something that just unease's them, or even a terrifying nightmare one had. If he opened these, the fear for that specific person will break free and overwhelm them, some will be affected more harshly than others.

Phoebus glanced down at three empty dull jars on the ground. He used them on three certain people, testing what they did. He almost never used them since once he did that jar would remain useless forever after that.

The jars were organized for every person. Some had many, many jars while him, for example, only had one. When someone gains a new fear or realizes something they fear, a jar forms in the middle of Phoebus's room and he puts it where it belongs.

He stared at a row of jars that belonged to someone he knew. Someone who left him and the others for them. There were many jars. Phoebus was tempted to unscrew all of them at once, but knew he had to use them wisely. When the time comes, he'll unleash everyone's worst fear and be the king he dreamed of being.

Now we just need to wait for the right time to strike...

Sorry this chapter is short :( and in case if you didn't get it, Algos, Phoebus, and of course Deciet were the ??? People and their planning on getting rid of the four light sides.

 Phoebus and Algos were created by me and @XInkijaX if u want to know more about them comment so and I'll delve deeper into how we thought of them

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