Chapter 7

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Ohhhh boy guys this chapter is gonna be an emotional rollercoaster oOf also so close to 100 reads aaa
And I'm sorry in advance hahaha...

~Virgil's PoV~

Trigger Warning: Panic attack

Time skip: two days later

Virgil was lying on his bed, resting the back of his head on his arms. He was playing music loudly in his ears through his headphones.

Into a place, where thoughts can bloom
Into a room where it's nine in the afternoon
And we know that it could be
And we know that it should
And you know that you feel it too
'Cause it's nine in the afternoon
Your eyes are the size of the moon
You could 'cause you can so you do
We're feeling so good
Just the way that we do
When it's nine in the afternoon

Your eyes are the size of the moon
You could 'cause you can so you do
We're feeling so good

But the music wasn't able to drown out his thoughts like they usually did. He and Patton both were worrying about Roman and Logan. They both seemed to have something bothering them.

Roman seemed to be a complete hot mess, which he usually hates to be. And whenever they do see him he's eating ice cream or some other junk.

Logan on the other hand was almost never seen, the only sign was the footsteps passing his room at night and the piles of empty coffee cups in the sink he finds in the morning.

Patton seemed off as well. He tried to seem fine and smile whenever he was around Virgil, but the Anxious Side could tell the smile never reached his eyes.

What's happening? Am I doing wrong? Does this all have to do with me? Is it my fault?

Virgil's breath started to quicken rapidly, his chest beginning to heave. He tore off his headphones and dragged a pillow, pressing it down on his face to muffle his loud heavy breathing. Virgil felt tears welling in the corner of his eyes and starting to spill out. His chest started to hurt from the heavy breathing and he felt his body go numb. He wanted to scream.

"Virgil?! Virgil, Sweetie, are you ok?!" The panicking figure felt the pillow being ripped off his face and he saw Patton's scared expression.

Patton sat on the edge of Virgil's bed and pulled him close to him. The Heart rubbed Virgil's back comfortingly. "'s ok...focus on breathing."

Virgil sobbed into Patton's shirt, trying to calm his breathing. He began to panic more when he couldn't control it.

Morality cupped Anxiety's face and tilted his head to face him. He kissed his dry lips gently. "Don't worry, Virgey...listen to my breathing...just slow it down..."

Virgil nodded his head, trying to take deep breaths. He pressed the side of his head against Patton's chest, listening to his rithimic heartbeat and the sound of his even breathing sooth him.

After a few minutes, Virgil's breathing slowly returned to normal and the numbing dizziness went away. He sat up and rubbed his red eyes guiltily.

"I-I'm sorry...I bothered you..." he mumbled, also noticing his tears staining the front of Patton's blue shirt.

Patton giggled. "I'm your boyfriend. It's my job to take care of you; I'm not bothered at all."

Virgil nodded his head, still a bit doubtful. "Do you want to cuddle?" Patton offered, noticing his boyfriend was still tense.

The Anxious Side nodded his head again, letting out a sudden yelp of surprise when Patton pulled him onto his lap. The Heart kissed Virgil's cheek and started to play with his hair.

Virgil closed his eyes, relaxing in the warmth coming off of the cheerful Side. He let out a purr then cut himself off right away.

He heard Patton gasp. "Did you purr? Awwww you're so adorable!!" He nuzzled Virgil, who was blushing.

Oof intense fluff coming up in case you for some reason don't like it this was hard to write so thank me later ok?? Now I'm gonna leave and die in a trash cannot

"Oh. Um thanks." He said nervously. He looked up to see Patton's shining eyes behind his glasses. He still couldn't believe he had him there to help him. Without thinking, he grabbed Patton's collar and pulled him into a kiss. Not a gentle, quick kiss like they usually did. This one was longer and was filled with more passion.

Virgil let out an internal sigh of relief when Patton kissed back, matching his strength. Virgil could feel Patton's arms wrap around his waist, pulling him closer. The Anxious Side raked his hands into The Hearts hair, pulling on it.

Virgil licked Patton's lips, asking for entrance. When he gave consent and parted his mouth for him, Virgil's tongue dove in, exploring every part of it. Patton let out a soft moan and they finally broke apart, gasping for air.

Both of their faces were red from blushing and lack of air. Patton's hair was a mess and his glasses were crooked on his face.

The two collapsed on Virgil's bed, cuddled together.

"That..." Virgil mumbled. "That was new." Patton laughed breathlessly, straightening his glasses.

"You're feeling better now though, right?" He asked, staring at him.

"Oh, Yeah. Thanks again." Virgil said, kissing Patton's forehead.

Patton smiled. "I love you."

Virgil hugged Patton. "I love you too..."

~Roman's PoV~

Trigger Warning: panic attack (again) and (unintentional) self harm/blood

By the claws of a griffin, I'm a hot mess. Nay, cool. Nay, uncool mess! Roman stared at his reflexion in disappointment. His hair looked like a birds nest, his eyes had dark bags under them, his throat hurt from eating almost only ice cream, and his lips were dry.

What kind of dashing prince am I? He lifted his hands to fix his hair, then dropped them with a sigh.

He doesn't understand what has come over him the past few days. It was just a blur of lying awake in bed, yelling at Logan, eating ice cream, and staring into space. He wasn't getting any of his creative and inspirational thoughts. I'm the hecking creative side! Why can't I think of anything worthy of creativity??

The creative Side scowled at his reflection, loathing his reflection for the first time. How can I be any use to Thomas or the others if I can't do anything??  He wondered.

Roman collapsed on the ground, digging his fingers into his head, wanting to literally pull the ideas out of his mind.


He couldn't even feel the pain in his head as his nails dug into his scalp, drawing blood. He didn't feel the tears streaming down his cheeks and his quickening breathing.

How dare I not do anything good? I'm supposed to be the cocky, handsome, beautiful, smart, creative, romantic one and I can't do anything AT ALL.

He finally loosened his grip on his head and gasped at the sight of his hands. His fingernails were coated in blood, a few of them chipped or bent. He didn't even want to see his reflection anymore.

Roman felt like he lost everything what made him who he was. The disheveled, broken, bloody, tear stained figure in his reflection wasn't recognizable.

What is happening to me?

Sand is grainy,
Cacti are prickly
My oh my
Did that chapter escalate quickly

Oops lots of angst in fluff in one chapter how did I do that?? Idk

First time writing intense fluff so uuuuh if it sucked tell me and I'll focus on angst ok peace out //finger guns and sinks into the dumpster she calls home//

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