Chapter 8

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Howdy- it's been a while. Have a nearly 2000 word long chapter yay

~Patton's PoV~

Trigger Warning: self harm, act of suicide

Patton woke up in Virgil's arms. He didn't realize they fell asleep. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and fixed his glasses, checking the time. It was 7:00pm.

He glanced over at Virgil who was still asleep. He had a faint smile on his lips so Patton hoped he was sleeping well. He carefully got out of bed and pulled the blankets over Virgil and up to his shoulders, giving his a kiss on the forehead.

He quietly left Virgil's room and closed the door behind him. He decided to have something light to eat and made a sandwich for himself and one for Virgil in case he woke up.

He put the other sandwich on a plate and carried it down the hallway to Virgil's room. He paused when he heard...crying? He looked worriedly at the door it was coming from. Golden door with red glittery letters spelling "Roman". His fatherly instincts kicked in and he knocked on the door.

"Roman, kiddo? Are you ok? It's me, Patton. Can I come in?" He asked.

He heard a choked sob. "Go away. I can't have anyone see me like this."

Patton felt slightly hurt. Don't be, stupid! He's obviously in pain. You need to help him. "Well, I'm coming in anyways." He warned. He turned the knob and when it didn't open, he used his shoulder to push hard and the door slowly started to as if something heavy was blocking it.

Patton wriggled through the gap he made. He gasped and dropped his (thankfully plastic) plate with the sandwich.

Roman was a complete mess. His face was streaked with tears and his eyes were red from crying and the bags under them were darker than before. His hair was in a worse state and his fingers...the nails were chipped and bloody.

Patton ran over to Roman and pulled him into a tight hug. "What happened? Why didn't you tell me?" Roman flinched at his touch.

"I-I didn't want you to waste your time on had Virgil and I was just-" he stammered.

Patton gripped the sides of Romans face and turned it to face him. "You are not a waste a time. You're Thomas's creativity and we all need you. I'm the father figure here and I promised myself to be able to help you, Virgil, and Logan."

They matter more than me.

Roman sniffed, looking down. "I-I'm terribly sorry Patton...I don't know what has happened to me. I'm not my handsome, dazzling self anymore." He sighed. "I just feel like I'm never good enough to be creativity. I hate to admit this, but I'm just always worrying my ideas aren't good. Aren't amazing. Aren't creative."

Patton took Roman's hand and helped him up. "You're amazing, Roman. We all love your work, even if we don't seem to show it. Now let's get you cleaned up."

Patton helped Roman clean and clip his nails, brush his hair, and clean his face. He waited outside of the creative Sides room as he changed in fresh clothes and washed up. His face lit up as he saw Virgil walk up to him tiredly.

"What happened? I woke up and you weren't in bed with me." He asked with a yawn. Patton remembered guiltily of the sandwich he dropped. "I got up and made you a sandwich...but...well, I stumbled into Roman who was having some trouble and dropped it."

Virgil gave him a confused look. "Roman? What about him?" Right on cue, he walked through his door, raking his hand through his now clean hair.

"Just some...personal issues. I'm ok. For now." He added the last part in a quiet mumble that only Patton seemed to hear. Virgil gave Roman and Patton a puzzled look.

The Dark // Moxietyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें