Chapter 6

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Eyyy sorry for not posting yesterday lol here's a pretty long chapter for u :3

~Patton's PoV~

Trigger Warning: self harm

Time skip: next day

Patton and Virgil agreed to tell the other two Sides the next day.

Morality was alone in his room (him and Virgil have their own rooms and don't sleep together everyday ok lol); then the thoughts came.

You should be with him now, what kind of boyfriend are you?

I don't have to be with him all the I?

He never seemed sincere when he told you he loves you. He probably hates you.

What did I do wrong?

Everything you do is wrong. He's probably embarrassed to be around you.


Maybe he's planning on how to break up with you right now.


Better yet, you should break up with him. He doesn't deserve someone as pathetic as you. He's probably annoyed by you smiling and laughing all the time.


You've done it before. You know where it is. Do it.


Do it.

Do it.

Do it.

Patton slowly rose, his eyes watering. With shaking hands he walked over to his desk and opened the drawer. He lifted up the piles of paper and found the small pocket knife he hasn't touched in years.

He picked it up slowly, hesitating. Do I want to rela- now.

Patton placed the knife on a part of his wrist that wasn't scarred. Carefully he pressed it down and drew a short red line across the side of his wrist. He hissed with pain, holding back tears.

He continued. Making the line longer. Adding more lines. More-


Patton suddenly threw the knife away. It landed a few feet away, leaving red marks on his carpet. Morality stumbled to the bathroom connected to his room, putting pressure on his cuts.

He turned on the faucet and quickly rinsed off the blood. All the blood. Angry red marks scattered across his wrist, standing out against the paler scars from long ago.

Oh no. Oh no no no no no what did I do?

The Heart collapsed on the ground, crying silently. I can't let Virgil know-I can't have him worrying about me.

Patton stood up, shaking and opened the cabinet above the sink. He pulled out one of those pale peach coloured bandages so they wouldn't be that visible. He put two pretty large ones, making sure they covered his wounds and it wasn't that easy for someone's eyes to catch.

Breathing in shakily, Patton took off his glasses and rinsed his face and washing off the tears. He put his glasses back on, fixed his hair and put on a smile. He could still feel the pain in his cuts.

I need to find Virgil now, we promised to tell the others.

Morality stepped out of his room, keeping the smile on his face and skipped down the hall until he reached Virgil's room. He knocked on it. When no one answered he knocked again.

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