Chapter 2

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~Virgil's PoV~

Trigger Warning: death, I guess??

Virgil walked down one of the many hallways of the Mind Palace. A faint unease drifted around him. Everyone should be asleep in their rooms but he didn't feel alone in the halls.

Virgil felt a cold breeze brush the back of his neck and he whipped his head around to see what is was. He couldn't see anything out of the ordinary...

shadows move around like that often, don't they? the feeling of unease grew into panic. Something was wrong. He had to check on Patton.

The Anxious side picked up his pace and broke into a jog until he stopped in front of Patton's room.

The front door had a sign covered in blue glitter that read 'Patton's room!' With a cat face beside it. Virgil pushed open the door with a cream and peeked in, seeing Patton's silhouette on his bed.

He let out a sigh of relief and was about to close the door again before he realized something wrong.

Patton's shape wasn't moving.

Virgil opened the door quickly and whispered loudly, "Patton? Are you asleep? Uh, wave your hand if you are."

When the shadow of Patton still didn't move Virgil felt his anxiety rise and he decided to take the risk of getting scolded and ran into Patton's room and peeked his head over the heart's bed, seeing his back turned to him.

Virgil poked Patton's side gently. He felt so cold...he took a deep, ragged breath and flipped Patton over to face him.

His eyes were dull and have lost the sparkle of life that were always in them. Dried tears stained his freckled cheeks and his mouth was parted halfway in a scream of fear.

Virgil shrieked, dropping his hands that felt wet. He looked down at them and realized they were coated in blood. Patton's blood.

Virgil screamed again, breaking into tears. He pulled Patton's cold body against him and hugged him tightly, gently rocking the lifeless smol body.

I never was able to tell him how I-

Virgil sat up on his bed mid-scream, drenched in cold sweat.

Dream-it was a dream...

Virgil collapsed on his bed, his adrenaline racing still. The dream felt too life-like. He couldn't get the image of the Cinnamon Roll's (yes Virgil will call him that internally) dull eyes out of his head.


Virgil looked up with tears in his eyes to see Patton.

"What's wrong, kiddo? I just left your room after putting you in your bed when I found you asleep and I heard you scream." Patton sat beside Virgil and hugged him.

Virgil didn't even have time to think that that was the reason why he woke up on his bed. He was just glad Patton was alive. "Yeah...I'm fine, just... a nightmare."

I was never able to tell him... Virgil remembered his dream. "Um Patton?" Virgil asked once they broke the hug. "I need to tell you something."

Patton smiled at him, making Virgil's stomach lurch. In a good way.

"What is it, kiddo?" He asked.

Virgil seemed to be hyper aware of what's happening around him. He could see Patton's hand close to his, he could feel his warm breath on his neck as he faced him, his soft brown eyes staring into his cold, rigged soul...he just had to mutter the words...

Virgil opened his mouth.

"SHUT UP!!" A voice screeched from outside, drowning out Virgil.

"YOU MUTE YOUR FACE HOLE." Another voice yelled back.

Patton gave Virgil a worried look. "I think my sons are fighting again. Sorry, Virgil. Tell me what you were gonna say later?"

Virgil nodded quickly. "Uh, oh, yeah! Sure! It wasn't that important anyways i just, ya know..." Virgil's nervous ramble cut off as Patton grabbed his hand to pull him off his bed.

I hope my foundation is hiding my blush right now or I swear I'm going to scream and eat doughnuts until I literally explode.

"C'mon let's see what's bothering them now." Patton said, shooting the Anxious side a grin while dragging him out his room. "Dynamic duo, right?"

Virgil laughed nervously. "Yeah...duo..."

~???'s POV~

The figure chuckled. He always better than the other two. Or three... His work definitely shook him.

and the others helped tense up those two too. he admitted grudgingly.

But obviously it's all thanks to him. He does all important work around here. And soon, his dream will become reality.

Soon, he'll show them what happens when they leave him in the shadows. Because he won't be in anyone's shadow.

He's going to be the leader. No. A king. No. A GOD. The figure clenched his fists which were shaking with anger and thirst of power.

He needed to be patient. Give it a few days. Or weeks. The authors can use as many chapters as they want because in the end, he'll have them begging for forgiveness.

The Side stared at the shape of the Mind Palace for a couple more seconds, lost in thought, then spun around and sunk into the murky shadows, his cape withering in the wind after him.

Yay two posts in one day. I'm getting that creative juice from starting a novel ooooo and ur welcome for the plot twist uwu

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