Chapter 11

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D u d e s 857th in dark?? What?? That's crazy!! It's weird how I still haven't gotten any for any of the Thomas sanders tags xD well hope u enjoy this chapter and remember to vote and comment! <3

~Virgil's PoV~

Virgil woke from sleep. He didn't even realize he fell asleep to begin with. He glanced at the time and frowned. It's been at least three hours since he left Patton. Surely he's still not cleaning.

Maybe he went to Roman or Logan's room...? He wondered. Virgil sat up, fixed his disheveled hair, and he added to Logan's room which was closest. He knocked a few times and entered when he heard Logan say "you may enter."

Logan and Roman sat across from each other, playing chess. Roman had a frustrated look on his face and Virgil realized that he only had one of Logan's pieces while Logan had at least five of his.

"Do you guys know where Patton is?" He asked. Logan looked up at him seriously.

"No, I have not. Was he meant to be here with us?" He asked.

Virgil shook his head. "It's been a few hours and he never came to my room after I left him with cleaning after he insisted."

Roman gave Virgil a reassuring smile. "I'm sure he's somewhere around here. Why don't you check outside?"

Virgil nodded, backing away. "Ok, I will. Have fun with that game of yours."

The anxious Side sprinted outside, slamming open the doors. He felt his heart began to pound when he couldn't see Patton anywhere.

He checked through the garden, the grassy slopes around the Mind Palace, and with still no sight of him Virgil could feel a panic attack approaching swiftly.

He tried to calm down his breathing and blinked back his tears. Where are you, Patton?? The only place he hasn't checked yet was the forest. He didn't really like going into the forest and hasn't been in there in years.

Too many bad memories.

But if Patton was in there Virgil had to be brave enough to find him. After several minutes of searching, Virgil arrived in a less dense part of the forest. He inhaled deeply, still trying to slow down his heartbeat when a strong smell filled his nose.

It had a heavy, metallic scent to it. Blood?

Terrified now, Virgil rushed to where the smell was coming from and kneeled beside a shrub. A small puddle of blood lay on the ground with droplets scattered across the leaves. A pair of glasses rested a couple feet away.

Oh no...oh no oh no ohno ohno ohnononononono.

Virgil gingerly picked up the glasses, a faint hope it might not be who he thinks it was. He gave them a closer look and he felt his heart drop. They definitely belonged to Patton.

Virgil started to cry, his breathing becoming ragged and picking up. He whirled around, holding the glasses close to him. What happened? Was it an accident? Why wouldn't it be? Who would do this? What kind of person-

His breathing stopped. It felt like the forest fell completely silent. He knew who would do this. He knew exactly what kind of twisted people would do this to Patton. And he knew exactly where to go to find him.

I have to stop them.

~Deceit's PoV~

Deceit was furious. Why was Phoebus mad at him, again? He got Patton just like he was ordered to.

"Oh, you should hurt him that much! What if he lives?" Deceit snorted angrily. He never specified how he was supposed to bring that annoying ball of fluff over.


Deceit glared at him. "Why did you go yourself then?" He snapped.

"We all know you're the best at shapeshifting and imitating out of all of us, idiot." He retorted. "I expected you to have enough sense not to literally bash his brains out."

Algos rolled his eyes in the background, not saying anything. Deceit was tempted to yell at him for acting like he was too good for them but he didn't want to waste his breath. "You know what, whatever. I care." Deceit grumbled, turning to walk away. He froze when he heard a new voice.

"Um...where am I?" The body of Patton slowly lifted its head. Deceit has blindfolded and tied his wrists together after he knocked him out.

"Woah, why am I blindfolded? Is this a Febreze commercial?" Patton started laughing, his head drooping.

"Um...what's normal with him?" Deceit hissed quietly.

Phoebus groaned in annoyance. "He's delusional from blood loss. Great job."

Patton laughed again. "Why can't I move my hands? Are they asleep? Does anyone have an air horn to wake them up?" He laughed yet again and it was starting to annoy Deceit.

"Don't any of you dare whack or smack him again. Who knows what'll happen if he loses any more blood." Phoebus ordered in a shushed tone.

Deceit sighed and nodded, not bothering to see if Algos did.

Patton's laughing faded away as he passed out again. Phoebus turned to Algos. "This is crazy that I'm asking you for something, but at the moment Deceit is acting stupider than you. Which is unusual." Algos frowned and Deceit didn't know whether to take that as an insult or compliment.

"Take him to that room at the bottom level." Phoebus continued. "We never use that, and it locks from the outside. We can keep him there. After a few days we'll see how the other three react and come up with a tactic to put them down once and for all."

Algos sighed in annoyance and picked up Patton's unconscious body, tossing him over his shoulder. As he left the room they were in Phoebus turned back to Deceit with a scowl.

"And you, don't do anything Algos would do, got it? I don't want to deal with two idiots." He whirled around, smacking Deceit on the nose with his cape.

"Yes, your majesty." Deceit hissed quietly, narrowing his eyes with anger. He stood now alone in the room, livid. He despised Phoebus bossing him around. But he knew he had to deal with him if he wanted to take down the four.

He chuckled, remembering Patton's terrified face. He was never annoying. If he had to put him out for good, he'd be more than happy to.

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