Chapter 10

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Guyssss we've been getting so many reads and votes lately! And thank y'all who comment for commenting it makes my story seem more like people are reading it :,) enjoy this chapter

~Patton's PoV~

Time skip: four days later

Trigger Warning: wounds/cuts/blood (slightly)

The smell of freshly baked cupcakes filled the kitchen. Patton slipped on some blue mittens with paw prints on them and pulled out the cupcakes.

Patton grabbed the blue and white icing he made and put in bags and clipped off the tips, beginning to ice the cupcakes.

Logan sat at the dining table sipping a glass of water. Patton made sure that Logan got off his coffee addiction and forced him to drink water if he was thirsty. After what Logan nearly did, Patton, Roman, and Virgil all made sure to keep an eye on him at all times. He seemed to be less stressed than when he was before, that was for sure.

Just as Patton finished the last cupcake Roman walked in. "Are those cupcakes, Patton? They smell delicious!" He nodded hello to Logan who gripped his cup slightly tighter before returning the nod.

"Yep! I made them." Patton replied proudly. He grabbed a small can of edible glitter and handed it to Roman. "Could you sprinkle some on the cupcakes, please?" He asked.

Roman took it and opened the can. "Sure." He accidentally poured a ton on the first one and gave Patton a guilty look. "I'll eat that one." The next ones had less glitter and he continued on, carefully pouring the right amount.

Patton turned to Logan and smiled at him. "Could you go get Virgil? He's probably in his room."

Logan nodded again, showing he heard and rushed down the hallway towards Virgil's room.

Patton and Roman placed the cupcakes on a huge plate neatly and carried it over to the table just as Virgil and Logan walked back in.

"Did you make those, Patt? They look amazing." Virgil hugged Patton and he giggled.

"Roman helped too." He turned to Roman who had half a cupcake stuffed in his mouth. He gasped. "Roman!"

Roman chewed quickly and swallowed. "Hey, I said I'd have the one I messed up." Patton laughed.

"Ok, fine. Everyone get a cupcake." The four Sides sat in comfortable silence. Patton and Virgil sitting next to each other, Roman on the other side, and Logan at the end.

Logan had a small bite taken in his cupcake. "This is...flavourful." He said.

Patton grinned at him. "Thanks, Logan. I'm glad you like it."

"It's pretty sweet too." Virgil noted, squishing the icing between the cake he broke in half. (You know, that hack for eating cupcakes?? No? Yes?)

"Not as sweet as you." Patton teased, knowing how Virgil would react to that.

Virgil groaned. "Really, Patton??" Roman laughed.

The Heart chuckles and finishes his cupcake. "You're so cute when you blush."

"He's totally blushing behind that white foundation!" Roman exclaimed, wiggling his eyebrows at Virgil. He frowned at him.

Patton glanced at Logan, who had a very faint smile on his lips. When he noticed Patton was watching him his cheeks turned pink and he made a monotone face again. Morality celebrated internally knowing Logan was happy.

Short time skip oops

Patton hummed out loud, cleaning up the dishes. Roman and Logan left together and Virgil has offered to stay.

He put the last plate on the drying rack and hugged Virgil from behind. "I can clean up on my own, you know. You don't need to help."

Virgil turned around and hugged him back. "But you shouldn't have to clean and bake everything." He complained.

Patton giggled. "It's fine, i promise. I'll see you later." Virgil sighed. He kissed his boyfriends forehead and let go of him.

"Fine, you win. But if you need help just ask me, ok?" Patton nodded and waved goodbye.

I shouldn't have him helping me with everything, I need to do my work alone.

He continued to hum and put away the last of the dishes. As he was drying his hands he heard someone call his name.


He turned around, confused. He heard the voice again.


Patton finally noticed Virgil peeking around the corner of the doorway. "What is it, Virgey?" He walked up to him, confused.

Didn't he walk down the other hallway? How did he end up there without me noticing?

"There's something important you need to see." Virgil insisted, his voice low and quiet.

"Why are you talking quietly? Do you not want Logan and Roman to hear?" Patton questioned.

Virgil gave an annoyed sigh. "Just...follow me already. It's important, I swear." Patton nodded and followed the anxious Side as he led him down the halls and towards the main door outside.

"Where are we-?" Patton was cut off by Virgil shushing him. They continued out of the Mind Palace garden and into the forest. Patton gave him an uneasy look.

"What do you want to show me?" He asked. They were in the forest now, in a less dense but still dark part of it.

Virgil turned around to face him finally, and Patton tilted his head in confusion. "Well?"

Virgil nodded his head to a bush a few feet behind the cheerful Side. "I hid something for you there."

Patton turned his back to Virgil and walked to the bush. "Well, why didn't you tell me before?" He asked.

"Or else I wouldn't have been able to do this."

Patton felt something hard and heavy slam on his head. He let out a shriek of pain and his glasses fell off his face.

Patton clutched the back of his head, feeling blood. He looked up at Virgil, who was holding a metal bat, grinning. "V-Virgil?" Patton whispered, tears of pain dripping down his face.

"Good night, Patton Sanders."

Patton saw a gleam of yellow flash in Virgil's left eye before the bat slammed into the side of his head.

He felt pain.

Then the world went dark.

The Dark // MoxietyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz