28- Ghost House

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"Let me change the song then." She mumbles, hand reaches the radio system. 

"Unfortunately I can never listen to that song again." Her spotless and thick dark eyebrows arch. She senses the sarcasm and hidden insult. Stupid because she wants to hear it from his mouth to make sure she's right. 

"Credit goes to you!" He screams, eyes fixed on the road but attention on her. "Don't you dare play a song or sing! I don't want my ears to bleed to death." Kiaan passes the unthoughtful comment which Jaanvi definitely will remember for the rest of her life and bring it in an argument to make him feel like crap. 

But, again, that'll only work if this Hippopotamus has any space for remorse. Wait. If he's a hippopotamus and I'm a cat, what'll our kids be? Polar bears? Or bats? Presenting to the world, the only heiress of Ansh Ahuja's daughter, Jaanvi Ahuja Rajput's (I'm not dropping my surname for this foolish man. Never.) daughter batty and son polly. 

He watches her. Intensely from the corner of his eyes. She's chewing on her index finger, deeply in thought, the crease in her forehead justifies she's in the middle of a very important and intellectual thought. The sophisticated expression (if someone can master that) makes her look so mature and sorted and as if she's planning to change the world. If only poor Kiaan knew. 

Why did I start thinking about this? Not the children but polar bears and bats. That's such a racist thought unintentionally. The polar bear is white and bats are black, I mean, not necessarily but--

"Enlighten me with your holy presence, Goddess Jaanvi." Kiaan uses his theatrical voice of tone, a skill he learnt in drama class. Jaanvi flinches. She looks around herself. Puts her legs on the seat, sitting in a squat position and lifts her body up, peering in the back seat. "What're you doing?" Surprisingly his voice is panicky. 

Is she getting another zombie seizure? Why did I marry her?

"Oh, just casually learning how to surf. Gotta learn those skills to hit the beaches in America. See, I've got everything planned." She cheekily smiles him her fake smile. Her husband is still flabbergasted. So close to ringing his father-in-law for some experienced advice. 

Jaanvi crouches down and bends her body as if someone's pushing her down. Shrinking in size. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Am I getting a panic attack? Is she rubbing onto me? ALREADY? It's been only like, one? Two days!

"Jeez, calm down. I was comparing the height difference of Polar Bears and Bats. It didn't work but eh, I tried." She drops her hand and sits casually on the seat. 

This event has Kiaan seriously wonder, how does she not embarrass herself? Fucken retard. "Why're we talking about bears and bats?" He tries his luck. 

Jaanvi rolls her eyes at the window, gazing out at the dark roads. "Not bears but Polar Bears." She can really be a correcting bee sometimes. Kiaan obviously hated that. "Why're you so interested in my brain? What? You want to steal my innovative ideas?"

"Innovative my foot." To which, she actually lets her eyes linger at his feet. Quick peek but he notices. "Jaanvi, god, grow up."

She clicks her tongue. "Though I've learnt to accept my height and love it (self-love is an important thing, Mr) I wouldn't mind a few inches but I'm over eighteen. Can't grow." Her lips move so precisely as she looks out the window but glances at him once in a while to check his expression and make sure he's listening to her. 

"Will you ever show some of your fathers qualities?" 

"Don't bring my father into this," She warns pointing her index finger at him with rigid expressions. "At least respect him as your father's best friend if not your father-in-law."

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