The Journal: Tetsutetsu x Reader

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Ever since the Sport's Festival, I couldn't help but notice that Kiri has been spending more time with that guy in the other Hero Class that he were CONSTANTLY going up against. You'd think Kiri would avoid the guy, they practically had the same quirk, EVEN BEAT EACH OTHER OUT COLD!!! I swear I don't understand him...

Okay, now I know that guy's name. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. Who would give their child the same first AND last name? Really pathetic... Anyways, it's been rather calm at home, too calm. Without Kirishima here to play games with me or for me to help with his homework, I've had a little too much time on my hands. Maybe I should make some new friends, can't have my older bro walk me through everything right?

Yeah that friend thing didn't work out, I'm too boyish for the other girls in class besides Jirou and maybe Uraraka. Even then, their friend groups were too obnoxious for me. Looks like I'm stuck to my own friend group. Would it be wrong if I asked Kirishima to give me pointers on how to handle Bakugou? Or maybe should I ask to just tag along with him whenever he hangs out with Tetsutetsu? I must be an annoying sister...

I was too chicken to ask Kiri about hanging out with Tetsutetsu. Instead I went ahead and tried to make small talk with his other best friend, Bakugou. Didn't end very well at all, Deku put him into a bad mood and he came at me. Kirishima was an awesome big bro and saved me! Afterward he told me to never bother Bakugou alone, and introduced me Tetsutetsu saying that he'd rather have me messing around with him than Bakugou. Looks like everything is playing out in my favor.

Right after the whole Bakugou incident, Kiri started bringing Tetsutetsu to our house whenever they wanted to hang to make sure I didn't feel left out. Did I come off as that desperate for attention? They don't seem to mind which is a good thing, in fact Tetsutetsu seems to like it over at our house a lot. I can see why they get along so well though, they're practically the same.

"And it goes on and on and on," Kirishima rolled his eyes as Tetsutetsu finished up reading yet another entry from your personal journal. Your book were at the very least filled to three quarters of the way, top to bottom, with one entry per page and a date at the bottom of when each were completed.

Tetsutetsu couldn't read anymore of your personal journal, closing it, pulling the elastic to keep the book closed. "Why do you read (Y/n)'s diary? It feels a bit dirty, she's your sister," Kirishima shrugged since it were a valid point, weren't going to stop him though.

"In technicality she isn't my sister," Kirishima admits not feeling guilty about invading your privacy due to your sister status like Tetsutetsu had pointed out. "Her parents died when she was like five so my family adopted her. Since then, (Y/n) has really bad night terrors and can't remember things very well so a psychologist told her to start writing down important events of every day and every dream she has, even date them. They seem to help her out cause I can't remember the last time she's had a nightmare. And (Y/n) doesn't care if I read them, just lately her journal have been all about you," that was news to Tetsutetsu. He hadn't a clue you were adopted and that leather bound notebook must've meant the world to you. There were even a box sitting beside your desk with previously filled books from over the years.

"That explains how you and (Y/n) are in the same class..." Even with that fact on the mind, more seemed to linger. "Should I read on?" Tetsutetsu was sitting on the edge between reading more of your journal or leaving it be. It was an invasion of privacy, yet at the same time you allowed Kirishima to read it which meant what they're doing was completely fine right? The fact he were the topic of this journal in particular kept his interest.

"I mean you don't need to," Kirishima shrugged. "I'm basically telling you that (Y/n) developed a crush on you. What you read was just the beginning," long story short, Kirishima was setting his sister up with his best friend. It were a thoughtful and loving gesture, yet at the same time, Kirishima could just sit this out and let Tetsutetsu and yourself come together on your own.

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