Crushes (Foxangle)

160 4 9

Requested by: AnAnxityRiddenBeta

Type: Fluff

AU: None

Pairing: Platonic Foxangle (Fox and Mangle), Foxeak (Fox x Eak) and Towneg (Towntrap x Meg) Sorry, they're random-ass pairings but I felt like experimenting with them XD

Third Person's POV:

Meg buried her face in her pillow as soon as she walked into her room. Fox was right behind her, setting himself down next to her loudly. They had just gotten back from school, and while usually they just ignored each other as soon as school was over, today was different. They had shit to talk about. An awkward silence had found it's way in Meg's room, and only Fox broke it when he sighed.

"Guess I'll go first then?" Meg went to sit upright, looking at her friend with a genuine interest.

"Sure. I'll ask you the famous question, then. Who're you crushing on?" Yup, that was exactly the reason they were here.

Both her and Fox have been rather absent-minded lately, but that was because both of them thought of that one person special to them. So they decided to talk about it, to hopefully calm the pining down a bit.

"Tch, it's.....y'know....." A light blush made it's way onto Fox's cheeks.

"Come on, spit it out! I still wanna talk about my own crush too!" Meg impatiently said.

"Okay, okay! I guess I kinda like Eak." Meg's eyebrows shot up.

She hadn't really expected that. Eak just didn't seem like Fox's type. She always thought Fox preferred girls like Chica or Joy, or just girls in general.

"That's that Mexican dude who saved me and the girls from a boar at camp, if I remember correctly." Meg dreamily said.

"Yeah, that's him. But he just seems, really, really straight." Fox said, fiddling a bit with the sleeve of his jacket.

"Says the dude who thought Felix was straight!" Meg snickered at Fox's embarrassed face.

"I was really high at the time, okay?! But that's not the point here! I'm sure he likes Usagi more....."

Usagi was Fox's best female friend, so if she would ever get together with his crush, that would be kind of awkward.

"That's horse crap! You'll never know if you never try to find out." Meg intensely stared at Fox, causing him to stick out his tongue at her.

They glared and made faces at each other before bursting into laughter.

"It's easy for you to tell me I gotta try and find out! I bet you don't wanna confess to your crush either! Who's your guy or gal anyways?" Fox asked with a raised eyebrow.

Now it was Meg's turn to look a bit flustered.

"Ugh......I like that stupid vegan that makes those awful smoothies......" Meg muttered, barely above a whisper.

"Holy shit. You're into Towntrap." Fox dumbly stated.

"Oh, fuck off! Says the dude who's into my crush's best friend! What do you like about Eak anyways?" It was like a back and forth thing when it came to blushing.

Fox was quiet for a few seconds before sighing.

"He's kind of a fool, y'know. Sometimes I just wanna punch that smug smirk right off of his stupid face. But I can name at least 5 people who think the same of me.He can act like a womanizer, and he's too confident about himself. " Fox began with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Sounds like you kinda hate him." Meg rudely interrupted.

"Shut your face."

"But anyways, he's passionate. He doesn't take shit from anyone who insults him, his family or friends. That's a thing I've always admired in people. And he's also protective of people close to him. He'd give his life just to make sure his buddy wouldn't break a leg. He genuinely tries to be friendly to others, even if he kinda comes off as rude. The guy could be having a shit day, and he still wouldn't straight up lash out at you if you did somethin' stupid." Meg was honestly surprised at how sincere Fox was being.

Guess he really did actually have a heart underneath that tough attitude...... Was she like that too? Was Meg secretly also passionate about people she cared about?

"So, I'm done rantin'. It actually feels kinda good! Now you gotta tell me why you like that ridiculous optimist." Fox stated, waiting for her to speak up.

"I......I like Towntrap's stupid-ass personality. He's a naive fool, and a bit of a pushover. He really needs to learn not to take other people's bullshit to heart. His smoothies taste like detergent, and they make me wanna vomit." Meg had a dead-pan expression on her face, and Fox tried his hardest to control the urge of laughing like a monkey.

"And whenever I see that terrible smile of his, the kind of smile that could burn your eyes because of how adorable it is, I realize how much I love him. He's pretty much the opposite of me, and I guess that's what I'm looking for in others. Someone who can show me the way, someone who's there for me. And of course you and Spring and my band are there for me too, but with Towntrap it just feels different...... He feels different." Huh, didn't expect that.

Meg took a deep breath after her rant and they sat in silence for another few seconds.

"I thought talkin' about our crushes was gonna help us out with that shitty-ass pining. But I honestly feel even more in love......" Fox muttered frustrated.

"Y'know what? I think that's fine!" Meg abruptly said.

"Huh? What do ya mean?"

"Well, we got to talk about those two lovable fools, we got to spend time together and.....honestly, I wouldn't mind it if we talked like this again sometime....." Meg shyly narrowed her eyes at the last sentence.

"Hell yeah, I would love to! But I guess if our pining gets worse, we gotta ask for some advice." Fox's lips formed into a soft smile.

"Then we gotta ask Oxy."

"Oxy? I bet he's even more of a loser at love than we are." Fox looked a bit skeptical.

"No, man. He's had at least 7 crushes, in one year! And somehow, all of those crushes were into him too." Meg casually explained.

"Whoa..... So he's in a poly relationship??"

"Nah, he's just got a harem."

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