Party For 3 (Multiple Pairings)

398 6 19

Requested by: londonthefuntimecat

Type: Fluff

AU: Felix and Eak have the same birthday, and Toddy's birthday is also close to theirs

Pairing: Toddica (Toddy x Chica), Fedix (Fede x Felix) and Eaktrap (Eak x Towntrap)

Credit for the awesome collage goes to: Fxntxme_Foxy

Chica's POV:

I excitedly chatted with Towntrap and Fede about our lovers. The three of us were organizing a big party for Eak, Toddy and Felix. Today was Eak and Felix's birthday, but I decided to have it as a surprise for Toddy too, since her birthday was only a few days ago, and she was sick then.

"Okay, so what do we have as gifts?" I asked as I hid the red bag I was holding behind my back.

"I got Eak some lasso ropes and a taco machine!" Towntrap cheerfully showed the gifts he had bought his boyfriend.

"Awesome! What about you Fede?" I asked the pink and white-haired boy.

"I got Felix a lot of cat stuff! Pins, sweaters and a cat headband too!" He added that last part a bit shyly.

I wiggled my eyebrows at him before showing my bag.

"I made Toddy a headband that matches her eyes and I got her a new jacket as well!" I showed the fabulous clothes I had made.

"This is gonna be great!" Town looked like he could burst with excitement.

"I know! Let's decorate the room now!" I took out a few decorations from some boxes.

And so we began turning my living room in a party place, different themes got mixed together. For Toddy I chose more reddish and stylish decorations, Towntrap had brought some western-themed stuff with him and Fede's decorations were just cats. Cats everywhere. That's how much Felix loved them. I slightly smiled as I remembered how we found out about it.


All six of us were chilling in Eak's backyard as some form of triple dating. Felix and Fede laid curled up against each other, Towntrap and Eak were arguing about veganism and meat, while me and Toddy just stared at each other. At this point, I assumed we were having a staring contest. We both looked away when we heard a strange noise, though. A fluffy white cat jumped onto Eak's lap as the tan-skinned boy calmly pet it.

"I didn't know you owned a cat!" Towntrap said in amazement as he somewhat awkwardly ruffled the cat's head.

"It's not mine. 's the neighbor's." Eak had trouble talking through the toothpick he was chewing on.

"Oh my God, it's so adorable!" Felix took the cat off of Eak's lap and tightly hugged it.

The cat didn't protest, but looked rather grumpy. Suddenly, Felix's eyes got puffy and he sneezed very loudly.

"Felix......are you allergic to cats?" I asked with a slight snort.

"Such a pity, considering you love those things." Toddy half-heartedly said as the cat went to sit down next to her.

"Haha, yes! It really is a shame I just have to be allergic to such beautiful creatures......." Felix said a bit saddened.

Fede playfully purred to cheer him up and in an instant, Felix was happier. As they cuddled some more, I took a few sneaky pictures of everyone. My favorite being Toddy getting attacked by the cat.

-Flashback end-

I stopped getting distracted when Toddy's surprised voice reached my ears.

"What's all of this.....?" She asked as she put down her one shopping bag.

It would of course be ridiculous if that was the only shopping bag she owned. Felix was holding two more while Eak was almost collapsing from the amount of shoe boxes he was holding. I chuckled as Towntrap tried to help him, but somehow managed to make it worse.

"It's a surprise party for all of you!" Fede cheerfully replied.

"Oh my God, thank you so much Darlings!" Felix happily hugged me, Town and Fede at the same time.

"You're really welcome!" Towntrap shamelessly threw the lasso ropes at Eak who was still putting down the boxes.

He had mentioned before that Eak liked it rough, and apparently that meant the Mexican liked getting ropes thrown at him. I found it kinda weird, but then again, this was coming from the girl who holds sassiness contests with her girlfriend. I sweetly kissed Toddy's lips to which she responded by kissing me a bit harder.

"Geez! You haven't even had your present yet~" I said with a playful wink.

"And what might that be?" Toddy asked, her usual mocking tone holding some excitement.

"A headband and a jacket made by yours truly!" I joyfully handed her the bag of clothes.

"Aww!" Toddy threw her arms around me to which I grinned.

Towntrap and Eak were too busy with making out so they didn't see the adorable thing between Fede and Felix.

"I-I got you some cat things......" Fede said a bit flustered as he handed Felix a box full of cat-related things.

"Thank you, Fefi~" Felix took Fede's hand and placed a gentle kiss on it.

"Oh, Lordy......" I heard Fede mumble as he looked like he was gonna faint from joy.

"Let's have some fucking tacos!" Eak yelled from across the room, abruptly stopping his make-out session with Town.

"Hell yeah!" I burst into laughter as Toddy replied to that.

Hearing Toddy swear definitely was the best part of the party!

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