Just the way you are (Fredami)

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Requested by: No one

Type: Song fic (Just the way you are by Bruno Mars)

AU: None

Pairing: Fredami (Freddy x Cami)

Cami's POV:

Oh her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining~

As a kid, I've always been insecure. I didn't really show it, since I always had my poker face on, but I didn't like myself. I was weird, quiet and introverted. People enjoyed hurting me. I felt a little better about myself when I met Towntrap, Eak and Owyyn. But my self-esteem decreased again since we started working for him. I had been lonely for so long, so obviously I was surprised when a cute brown-haired boy attempted to make friends with me.

Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying~

The two of us started to hang out. Even though the boy, Freddy, often got confused by my robotic way of acting, he seemed to genuinely enjoy spending time with her. Her heart skipped a beat whenever he smiled at her. Sometimes, Freddy would talk to himself and would then apologize when she stared at him. Cami liked it when he talked to himself. He was weird, like her.

She's so beautiful.......and I tell her everyday~

He invited me to go stargazing with him yesterday. I agreed, since I had a free day anyways. When I arrived at his house, his mother handed me some flowers. She said that Freddy was too shy to give me them himself. He was in his backyard, on a red-white checkered blanket. When he saw me, his face grew red and he grinned, patting the spot beside him.

Yeah, I know, I know, when I compliment her she won't believe me~

We talked for a bit, well, mostly Freddy but I enjoyed listening to him talk. He seemed surprisingly nervous, he was usually more relaxed whenever we hung out. His hand constantly moved towards mine, but he never actually touched it.

And it's so, it's so sad to think that she don't see what I see~

He pointed at a few stars, but I obviously knew more about them than him. Freddy seemed to ease up for a while, before growing tense again. I carefully asked him if there was something wrong. He took a deep breath and then asked an unexpected question.

"Can I sing for you?"

But every time she asks me, do I look okay? I say.........

I was frozen in my seat. Sing for me......? Freddy mentioned once that he loved singing, but he was too shy to sing to anyone. Why would he dare to sing now? Not to mention in front of me, of all people. I nodded, keeping a straight face. He appeared to be mentally preparing himself, as he mumbled something I couldn't understand. Then Freddy's voice filled my ears.

When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change~

His voice sounded deeper than he usually sounded, but magnificent nonetheless. Freddy was kneeling down in front of me, all the while keeping his eyes on the ground. He was blushing, but not out of embarrassment. I liked the song he sang, before realizing that he was trying to tell me something through the song.

Cuz you're amazing, just the way you are~

He didn't fully sing the song, after the chorus he abruptly stopped. I swore I saw his eyes flash black for a second before changing to his natural blue again. Freddy looked at me slowly, and then took my hand. Do you ever feel like you're dreaming? Like something so amazing happens, that you think it's unreal? The words he told me, described that feeling for me.

"Cami........I really like you. Do you accept my feelings?"

And when you smile, the whole world stops and goes for a ride~

I felt like I was going to faint. I never suspected a thing. Has he liked me all this time? But why? Why would an amazing person like him want to have something with me? I don't understand....... I could feel two arms wrapping around me. Freddy was giving me a hug. It was a soft and tender one, as if he was afraid I'd fall into pieces if he squeezed too hard. My arms moved to hug him back, very slow and careful.

Cause girl you're amazing, just the way you are~

"Whether you feel the same way or not, I promise I will always be there for you. Please don't feel bad about yourself, I think you're beautiful in your own way........."

"...............I love you too, Freddy."

Another long one-shot! ^^  It was fun to write! :D

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