Sincerely, Me (Freg)

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Requested by: Anonymous

Type: Song-fic (Sincerely, me by Artist VS Poet)

AU: Pop Star/Writer AU

Pairing: Freg (Meg x Freddy/Fred)

Third Person's POV:

I didn't think these memories I'm writing down would put my mind at ease~

Freddy finished another poem and shoved the word-filled papers he made aside. They looked rather dull in the grayish light of his desk lamp, so the blue-eyed male considered buying a more colorful lamp. His room had become pretty grey, after all.

Ever since she left, you're writing in the dark all day. Go outside, asshole!

"Fred, I'm not in the mood, alright?" Freddy growled annoyed.

Whatever......... When I'm in control again, I'll make you go outside.

"I'm counting on that."

Oh, but I'll write until my fingers bleed and keep them safe so no one else can see~

A sigh escaped the brunette's lips. Meg had only left yesterday, and he already went back to his bad habit of writing in a dark room. He still had to finish a book that he promised to publish next week on Monday, so his stress was increasing with every second he was just lazing around. But both Meg and him were pretty busy people, so being alone for another week without his partner wasn't anything new to Freddy. Meg was going on a tour until next Wednesday, and Freddy didn't know if he could last another week just talking to Fred about how much he missed her. He always wrote poems about Meg when she was gone, but never showed her what he wrote. He'd keep those for next Valentine's, which was in three weeks.

'Cause if you can't stay, I'll write away~

Freddy cleaned up his desk before looking into his nearly empty fridge. He'd better buy some more food, or he'll starve from working so hard on his stories.

"Fred, remind me that I have to go to the supermarket tomorrow."

Jesus, Freddy! I'm not a fucking Amazon Echo.

"Unfortunately not, no......." And so another conversation that lasted for a few seconds ended.

Go take a shower. We stink like a donkey's butt.

This time, Freddy didn't put up an argument and hit the showers as soon as he undressed himself.

I could write until I see your face~

Meg fumbled around with the dark beanie she was wearing. She lend it from Spring since she was taking the public bus to get back to her house, and she didn't want to get recognized by anyone. Not that she didn't love her fans, of course not! But they could get a little hyper sometimes. Her albums had been selling very well recently, a good opportunity to go on a tour, or whatever her manager said to her a few days ago. Unfortunately, Meg's tour had been cancelled for reasons yet unknown, but she didn't mind it at all. Less tours means more Freddy and Fred, which was great for Meg. She had been very busy these weeks, so unexpectedly returning earlier would do good for both of them. The bus came to a stop with a loud noise and Meg hopped out of it.

Maybe these letters can connect us, resurrect the hope inside~

With noticeable speed, Meg started walking down the street. A few girls seemed to whisper and point at her, but didn't came running towards her, thankfully. After a ten minute walk, Meg arrived at the apartment she and her lover shared. No one would suspect a pop star to live here, nonetheless a successful writer. Which is exactly why Meg and Freddy chose to live here. It was just nice and peaceful, and they both liked that. Meg randomly wondered when Freddy, or most likely Fred, would ask her to marry him. They had talked about it before, but then again, they were only 21, so maybe that was a little too young to get married already. Meg wasn't in a hurry, though. She wanted to do tons of shit you could only do when you're not married yet, and enjoy them.

Form the words that will reverse the time and bring us back to life~

She took out her key and quietly opened the door. She wanted to surprise her boyfriend real good. Meg entered their trusty living room on her tip-toes and waltzed into the kitchen. When she didn't find Freddy there, she looked in his office. Not there either...... Just then, she heard footsteps behind her. When she turned around, she saw the surprised face of a rather wet Freddy who was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Oh, he-"

Meg didn't have the time to finish as Freddy lunged forward and hugged her tightly. For a second, she thought that it was Fred because he didn't seem to care that he was half-naked. But then he quickly let go of her with a red face, and so she knew it was Freddy.

And I wish that you could see~

"I-I'm so glad you're back! Why, though?" His embarrassed expression got replaced by a confused one.

"I'll tell you after we've had dinner, I'm starving!" Meg said with a wink.

"..........the food's-"

"Gone." Meg interrupted him casually.

It had to be expected. There already wasn't that much food left after she went away yesterday.

"Let's have a store date then." She grinned as Freddy hastily nodded.

Oh, what you do to me~

They spent the afternoon balancing lots of frozen food onto their way-too-full shopping cart, having idiotic discussions about nothing and at one point Fred even took over just to give her a quick kiss before getting cursed at by Freddy. So in other words, they had lots of fun.

And I hope this letter covers everything~

After the two of them got home and ate some fishcakes, they both lay down on the large navy-colored bed. Meg put on her pink summer pajama and Freddy wore his blue T-shirt, which meant they were both in a sleepy mood. Yes, they decided their bedroom mood based on the pajama they were wearing, that not weird at all.

I'm yours, sincerely me~

As Meg feel asleep rather quickly, Freddy took his time to inspect his sleeping beauty. She still had a faint layer of pink lip gloss on her lips, she had light bags under her eyes and her shoulders were a bit burned. After his very short observation, Freddy gently pulled Meg a bit closer to him. He loved her with all his heart, and it hurt that they couldn't spent as much time with each other like they used to. But if waiting a week or two would lead to a wonderful evening like this, it was completely worth it.

FNAFHS one-shots (English)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora