Handcuffed (Deak)

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Requested by: No one :P

Type: Fluff

AU: None, except that Oxy owns a car in this

Pairing: Deak (Deuz x Eak) and slight mentions of Oxede (Oxy x Fede)

Third Person's POV:

Eak's leaning against some asshole's shoulder. The asshole in question, being Deuz. That fucker from The Nightmares.

Eak's mind is swimming as he tries to recall what happened before. Deuz stirs and sighs beside him, checking his phone every five seconds.

Both of them are sitting on a small bench outside of the cafe Eak's been drinking at just a few minutes ago.

Maybe it's his own fault that he got into this mess. Karma for underage drinking, for trying to look cool in front of the other football players from his school. Karma for trying to appear macho, by drinking himself into oblivion.

Long story short, one of the guys, Darren, maybe? Had started talking shit about Towntrap. Called him a pussy or whatever. Eak doesn't remember his best friend ever doing anything to piss Darren off, motherfucker probably just started talking shit about him for the fun of it.

Eak's never been one to let people trash-talk his friends. So naturally, he punched the fucker in the face.

Eak closes his eyes and grins lop-sided, clearly remembering now.

"Oww! What the fuck, Mendez?!" Darren howls as blood pours out of his nose like a running faucet.

"If someone's a pussy in here, itzz you! Callin' my pal a pussy, huh??" Eak slurs back at him, wobbling on his knees as he shakes out his throbbing fist.

"Boys, no fighting in my-"

"Oh, it's on, asshole!" The bartender's words were left unheard. Darren bolted across the room and swung his fist right against the side of Eak's eye socket.

"Fuckin' hell!" Eak stumbles but doesn't back down, throwing a kick to Darren's shin and stumbling down with him due to the loss of balance.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The rest of the football team laughs and cheers, raising their beer bottles in the air.

Both of them are on the ground now, blindly throwing punches in each other's direction. Darren falls back against another kid standing by the side-lines, knocking over his drink.

"Ay, what the hell, man?" The kid, who Eak vaguely identifies as Deuz from that bully group at his school, asks irritated.

"Get outta the way......" Darren huffs out, brown hair flopping over his eyes as he pushes Deuz backwards.

Deuz's irritated scowl suddenly turns into an almost amused grin. It looks kinda scary, with how blurry Eak's vision is. Deuz grips Darren's collar and brings the other boy closer to his face.

"Ya wanna run that by me again?"

Darren does look intimidated, but being the dumbass he is, doesn't back down. He spits on the ground in front of Deuz's feet and puffs out his chest.

"I said-"

Darren doesn't get to say shit, seeing as though Deuz has already thrown a well-deserved punch to his face.

"Yoohooo!" Eak cheers and claps for the dark-skinned teenager.

"You shut the fuck up." Deuz huffs, side-eyeing Eak. Before Eak can pipe up to complain, a few of Darren's friends are already ganging up on Deuz. Three against one.

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